MovieChat Forums > Dumb and Dumber To (2014) Discussion > I have to say this now, because i am so ...

I have to say this now, because i am so sick of hearing it...

So many people say there was not one joke in this movie that worked. That utter bull, because there are plenty of jokes that make this movie work, but mind you, there are also failures.

While I also agree I did not like Harry and Lloyd being more obnoxious this time round, it wasn't a total failure.

Jokes that worked (at least for me):

Harry And Lloyd going to the return address (possibly one of the best jokes in the movie)

Harry's fantasy (Harry was innocently trying to raise a daughter, and in the end it was dumb, but that's what worked about this fantasy)

Lloyd's fantasy (it was so true to the original Dumb And Dumber Lloyd dream)

The fart game with Rob Giggle in the car

Setting Rob Giggle on fire (by accident)

When Lloyd and Harry go deaf and Rob Giggle is hit by a train and Harry and Lloyd are unaware of a train being only a few feet away from them due to the fact of them being dead (possible the best joke in the movie)

Fingerbombing an old lady (So many thought this was hilarious. Others not so much. This joke is a hit or miss depending how you look at it)

Crashing the van (very unexpected)

Harry and Lloyd glowing in the dark

Harry lying about his kidney

These jokes really worked. A lot of them were comedy gold. There are many others that failed, though. But for those who say this movie had not 1 good joke is completely dreaming.

I'm gonna go and get my bones cut in half to get taller now!



So basically just omit the whole movie? Haha. Admit it, this movie was god awful



Good gravy, way to over-analyze a Farrelly Brothers movie.

Is a dissertation on Zoolander2 forthcoming?

Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


The funniest part of the entire movie to me was...

When Harry,Lloyd and Rob are in the car, and Lloyd says he thinks He's figured out whats in The box(keep in mind, Penny's Dad Told Them the box had something in it worth billions that would literally change the world)....

Lloyd then says, I think its a Baked now thats not really funny...but the Part that is truly genius and Hilarious is Harry's face right after Lloyd says it...

Harry is driving, and Looks at Lloyd immediately after Lloyd says its a Baked Potato, I swear the look on Harry's face is like A "eureka effect", The Look on his face, Is like He's Thinking Lloyd is a genius for figuring out What was in the box, lol His face literally looks like he's Thinking "OMG he's right it is A Baked Potato, I can't believe He figured it out"

leemall-"Paul Walkers Death Had Zero Impact On F7's Hype And Box Office Results"






