MovieChat Forums > Inside Out (2015) Discussion > Why are the negative reviews more popula...

Why are the negative reviews more popular than the positive reviews?

Most people, myself included, can agree that Inside Out is good. It currently has a 98% critic score on Rotten Tomatoes with an 89% audience score, a 94 score on Metacritic with an 8.7 user score, and an 8.3 rating on IMDb. With all that said, how come on IMDb, the negative reviews for Inside Out are more popular than the positive reviews? I don't get it.


Can I ask you why you liked it?


Psychology and sociology 101: People are 10x more likely to go out of their way to comment and rate things when they are unsatisfied.

When was the last time you went out of your way to give a review of anything? Look at your overall history of reviews. You're likely to find that a majority of your reviews were when you were unhappy with the service that you got.

It's a major factor that we learned about in market surveying. People tend to remember the negative things more than the positive things. Things that made them dislike a commercial or ad than things that attracted them.


Angry people seem to have more time on their hands, and it's more fun expressing that anger by lashing out at anything on the internet than actually engaging the world.

What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.


Most of them didn't even watch the movie completely. I guess those are those people who act like cold-hearted or still didn't learn to accept to have feelings...never mind. Just their opinion that this movie will make people feel depressed sounds like they didn't understand the movie. In my opinion this movie is the best visual portrayal of emotions and actually I'm not a big fan of sequels of disney animation movies, but for this one I would be really happy to see a part 2 concentrating on the puberty as main theme of the movie.


This theory about just came to me and it may sound a little over-the-top, but please hear me out. I think that it's not really that they hate the movie or find it bad. They just say that it's bad for bulls**t reasons that they came up with just to troll everyone who loves it.


It has to be about the worst pixar movie I've seen since ratatouille. Its the kind of 3rd rate crap pixar wannabes put out regularly.


Perhaps people have realized how overpraised and overrated Pixar's Golden films are and by that are voting up the negative reviews? Due to "Inside Out" belonging in that era? Who knows.

Btw, I remember writing a neutral review of the movie on IMDb user reviews on it's release. I did praise it's strengths and weaknessess equally, yet people voted it down. IMDb users are nimrods.
