
They've referred to a cult leader named Rammstein twice, once while at a sandwich shop (maybe London fish and chips?) and then again this week when Sal had to get people at the mall to join a cult. I tried to look it up to get the jokes, but couldn't find anything. Are they talking about a German rock band? Anyone get the reference?



Yea I haven't a clue. When I google all that comes up is the band.


I think they're meaning to say Rasputin, but are just getting the names confused.



Rasputin is also the name of a very cool record/DVD store. They sell used and new stuff for super cheap. I totally recommend checking it out if you have one near by. Their logo is the cult leader, so that's pretty much the only reason I know about him. I'm pretty sure that's who they mean though.


Ooh damn. Maybe you're right. That'd be embarrassing, considering they all mentioned him like they knew about him. I was thinking maybe it's a character on a show or movie that I've never seen.


It is a little strange they aired both of those skits if they got the name wrong, which I strongly believe they did. But maybe the show itself didn't question it?


It is strange, especially because Sal and Murr seem pretty smart so it's weird for them to say the wrong name like that. And wouldn't the crew or producers be like who is Rammstein? Hoping it's an inside joke between the guys or something at least.


The show is using a lot of "inside jokes" recently, if you haven't noticed. So it's possible that they're just making this another "inside joke". But it doesn't make much sense. The only Rammstein I've ever known about is the band. As far as I know Rammstein wasn't a person or a cult leader.


Maybe it was a name they came up with years ago to call a cult-like looking guy?

"Hillary Clinton has the appeal of chicken pox with the looming promise of shingles"

Greg Gutfeld


Perhaps, in order not to offend an actual cult leader and his/her followers, they just made up a name that sounded cultish. Or it is an inside joke. Don't give it so much thought. It isn't a physics equation.


I think everyone in this thread trying figure this out is putting way too much thought into something that probably doesn't mean anything. Rammstein could just be a name one of them picked randomly out of pure randomness. Let's not try to decode life here, lol.


I think it's just a name they use. I don't think they mean it to be real.

It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog


I thought more people would've known this one -- Rammstein is/was a German techno rock band. They had a semi-hit in the US in '97, Du Hast, and were kind of "the thing" for a very short while. I remember them, and given that I'm the same age as the IJs, (2 years older than them, actually), I'm sure they remember them too. I've always figured this is where they got "Rammstein."
