Really bugging me.....

Love the show but cant tell if im just not getting something....does it seem to anyone else that the guys dont like Murr as much as each other? Ive seen various episodes where sal especially says stuff to and about Murr that make me think he really doesnt like him. Am i wrong?


Sal and Murr bicker a lot. It reminds me of siblings. Murr does things that get on Sal's nerves, and I think sometimes it may be intentional (Murr smacks his lips when he eats and is always stepping on Sal's shoes). I don't think they actually dislike each other, but maybe their particular bond is the weakest. They are always busting on Murr for being unemotional and "non-human". I also think Murr may have been the most successful of the 4 before the show really took off, and that could be why they bust on him a lot. I've heard them say that Murr was the driving force that got the show on TV.



Hmmm...yeah i can understand that a bit. I guess it just looks like murr gets the worst of the pranks and it seems odd to me if they arent as close to murr then why do they have him as part of the show...even if he was an important part of getting it on tv?


I don't get that. HOW is he unemotional?! He looks pretty emotional to me, what with giggling whenever he gets the thumbs up or getting upset like in the infamous skydiving ep and the Human Pinata? He looks emotional to me!

Don't say anything bad about Jojo
If she's a disciplinarian, I'm the Queen Of England!- Stella



they get on fine. I think of them of having a sibling relationship too and purr prob plays up the traits that Sal finds annoying. success wise, it depends on what you consider successful. Q was a fireman, which to me, is. lot more successful than what Murr did, but to others, Murr is considered more successful because his work was more in the entertainment industry.


I wonder if that's why Murr sometimes seems more sharply dressed than the others when they do challenges (in a suit and tie when the rest are wearing jeans), cause he has to go to a meeting or something directly afterward.

Don't say anything bad about Jojo
If she's a disciplinarian, I'm the Queen Of England!- Stella


I'm not sure Murr still works for NorthSouth Productions. He is no longer listed on their website.

He's like an idiot savant, minus the savant. - Tom Servo
