MovieChat Forums > Impractical Jokers (2011) Discussion > Inconsistency in panty raid episode

Inconsistency in panty raid episode

I noticed in the season 1 episode 6 punishment when Murr steals the woman's panties, that there is ano inconsistency.
Murr puts the panties on his head and they're right side out. Even the little box of the close up of him, they are right side out. But when he's talking to the woman and her husband, they are definitely inside out.
This makes me question the hidden camera, unknowingly surprise of this show. It seems theyre doing multiple takes. It's unfortunate. Tell me I'm not the only one who noticed this!


Answer? It's NOT REAL!
Look at a lot of the background people in a lot of the "scenes", they KNOW what's going on, some of them can't keep from laughing during the joke.
Also, if you watch every episode, you'll see the some of the same people show up sometimes. I know it's a small world but with over 20 million people in the NY/NJ metroplex, you'd never run into the same person at a different site.

I'm a dirty old man and I'm going to be one until I'm a dead old man


They laugh because what the guys are doing is funny/they recognize the guys. I don't believe the show hires actors and pretends they're marks.


It's cheaper to use real people than pay actors. Who gets punished and *beep* is probably pre determined. Who cares? For the punishments most people are probably told what's happening, who cares? They're still embarrassing themselves in front our real people and the random citizens reactions are going to be genuine.


Interesting. I never noticed that before. The one that made no sense that I noticed is the Murr's Playhouse punishment, where they trash Murr's apartment. When they do the intro in his apartment, Q has silly string on his shirt. I thought that was weird but I figured maybe they were testing it before actually doing it as part of the punishment. But then when they are about to actually play with the silly string for Murr's punishment, it's not on his shirt anymore. They could have noticed it and taken it off I guess, but it doesn't really make sense. Idk it really made me question how legit the show is.


Here's a perfect example.....
The show where they show Murrey's film "Damned"....

Look at the people in the "audience" when Murrey comes in to sit in the audience, especially the black chick he sits next to, she's looking at him, smiling like she knows what is going on. She either knows or thinks Murrey is a funny looking guy, along with a few more audience members.

Do some of their "pranks" yourself in a public park or mall, but expect to get punched in the face or worse, shot. Funny how NEW YORK people are so nice and friendly! NOT!

It's early AM or else I could come up with at least a dozen more examples of why I think it's mostly fake.

It's like the home video show, where a fat guy falls and breaks through a plasterboard wall, yet there aren't any 2X4's bracing the wall.....

I'm a dirty old man and I'm going to be one until I'm a dead old man


NMO!!! It is real, it's not fake, Murr is NOT a funny looking guy...and it is NOT fake!!

And if you hate this show so much why are you watching it?!

Not fake!

Don't say anything bad about Jojo
If she's a disciplinarian, I'm the Queen Of England!- Stella



It's different with punishements. A lot of the time everyone else is in on it and the one being punished doesn't necessarily know, for eg the talent contest the kids were in on it and sal didn't know, the party clown they were in on it and q didn't know. The audience knowing the film was made by Murr had absolutely no effect on the punishment because the punishment was Murr havinf to sit through jt in front of others-if anything having the audience aware he was there is more of a punishment than if he could sit there anonymously.


Um, the show is not fake, you are delusional.
Yes, they sometimes use actors for some of the punishments, I thought that was obvious...
Of course there are planted people, blending in with the audience. They probably need people around in case something goes wrong.
And also people to film the show? lol

You are confused about them apparently using the same actors twice...I've seen people mention this before and the "actors" they are referring to are clearly 2 different people that just happen to have a similar appearance.
Most of us can see that they aren't the same person so this kind of tells me that you paranoid folk, claiming this is fake have got an inaccurate perceptions of things.

Do some of their "pranks" yourself in a public park or mall, but expect to get punched in the face or worse, shot. Funny how NEW YORK people are so nice and friendly! NOT!

What? There is a rude member of the public in almost every ep, do you even watch the show?

They did a show in the UK as I'm sure you are aware and as someone from the UK, I can tell you with confidence that those people were not actors!

So, they just happen to have a load of British actors who are also in on this little conspiracy theory too?
Nope. Anyone with common sense can tell that they are real reactions.


I may be delusional, but you're psychotic if you think 90% of it is real.

There is a rude member of the public in almost every ep, do you even watch the show?

I'm not talking about "rude" dummy. If you were to say "Howdy *beep* in my neighborhood, you'd be missing a few teeth if not wearing about 4 ounces of lead. And TRY taking food off of someones plate...ANYWHERE, you'll be wearing your ass for a hat.

And NO, I'm NOT confused about them using the same people, I have two eyes and I'm not so blind as to accept everything at face value. There's a big difference between having similar features and having the exact same ones.

But I get it, you probably think "Survivor" is real or "Keeping up with the Kardashians" represents American values, that's OK, I understand, once Friday night comes, the world doesn't matter anymore and you can live a full life until you have to go back to work on Monday, that is, unless you live in mommy's basement, which judging from your post, I'd say is a real possibility.

I'm a dirty old man and I'm going to be one until I'm a dead old man


I am NOT psychotic!!! But it IS REAL!!! It's all real! There's nothing wrong with me!!! But this show IS 100% REAL!

Leave them alone!!

Don't say anything bad about Jojo
If she's a disciplinarian, I'm the Queen Of England!- Stella


I may be delusional

Yes, you are lol.

I'm not talking about "rude" dummy. If you were to say "Howdy *beep* in my neighborhood, you'd be missing a few teeth if not wearing about 4 ounces of lead. And TRY taking food off of someones plate...ANYWHERE, you'll be wearing your ass for a hat.

Hmm, maybe the world expands a little further than your neighborhood lol.
Just because you are an irritable c u n t, don't assume everyone else is.
If I and anyone I knew were approached by people doing the things they do on the show....We would laugh. Because we aren't total @ssholes like you and the people you know.

And NO, I'm NOT confused about them using the same people, I have two eyes and I'm not so blind as to accept everything at face value. There's a big difference between having similar features and having the exact same ones.

Obviously, you are lol. Your perception is ****ed up, you think anyone who looks similar are the same people lol.
The rest of us NORMAL people can see that they are separate people.
And us NORMAL people can tell the difference between real reactions and acting.
It only takes common sense, something you obviously lack.

So, you think everyone on this show is an actor, right?
Haven't you thought about where they get all of these completely unknown actors from who can act so convincingly? Funny how you never see them in anything else despite them being obviously amazing actors.

But I get it, you probably think "Survivor" is real or "Keeping up with the Kardashians" represents American values, that's OK, I understand, once Friday night comes, the world doesn't matter anymore and you can live a full life until you have to go back to work on Monday, that is, unless you live in mommy's basement, which judging from your post, I'd say is a real possibility.

Haha, you really are a delusional moron aren't you.
I don't watch either of those shows, you presumptuous twat.
But I don't doubt they are scripted.
But shows like Impractical Jokers don't need to be scripted.
What is the point in faking stuff like that when you can just do it for real?
If I had the opportunity to make a show like this, with my friends then I would be over the moon!
Think it through, why would they fake it and fake laughing (very convincingly) when they can just do it for real and actually have a blast doing it?

Think it through, you are wrong about this.


I knew you wouldn't return to defend your point lol.
I think my post made you realize how wrong you were.....And no one likes to be proven wrong.

So yeah, to sum up.....The show is legit and you are a confused, probably senile old man.


Real or "fake" this show has made me laugh during some sh!t times. I appreciate it for all the smiles it had brought me. I don't want to dissect it further than it simply makes me happy.



That's exactly how I feel. It's hilarious whether it's real or fake. I don't care either way.

It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog


No, your not the only one, I noticed it the first time I saw it.

For me it shows that it's not all as it seems, as they obviously had to tell Murray and stop it and then turn them around to the right way.


Thank you for actually answering my question, if anyone noticed the underware switch....instead this post ended up being full of trolls who feel their opinion is most important so they must bash and put down anyone who has a different opinion than theirs.
So thank you for answering my question and answering with respect. And thanks for giving me a little bit of faith in humanity after reading all the other responses.
