No respect for Q

After watching Q praise the glories of Rosie Odonnell(sp), I've lost any respect I may have had for him.
I realize they are from NY and are probably flaming liberals, but to praise such a hateful, bigoted nutbag is beyond compare. Especially disconcerting is the fact that 9/11 happened there.

I'm a dirty old man and I'm going to be one until I'm a dead old man


Well thanks for sharing that with us! Have a nice day.


Sorry to have upset you, thought this was a discussion board.

I'm a dirty old man and I'm going to be one until I'm a dead old man


It is a discussion board and I'm quite happy right now. You have nothing to be sorry about. :)


Seems like you are the one who is upset here lol.


You may be happy to hear then, that he insulted the new Ghostbusters movie for pulling a PC stunt by recasting the main characters with women. He definitely gained some points with me for saying it like it is.


Personally, I don't like Rosie either because of her absurdly far left views, and I do agree with Q for calling out the PC-ness of the new Ghostbusters.

Now they're doing that awful all-girl Oceans 11 ripoff. When will it end!?!?!?!


He said he didn't care about the gender of the Ghostbusters. What annoyed him was that it has become a political statement whether one watches it or not and that is something that annoyed him because he didn't want to have to think about the conversely surrounded it when he watched the film; he just wanted to see people busting ghosts. You could perhaps speculate that his line about not caring about the genders was him backtracking his true feelings, but his bit about not caring about politics was consistent with an earlier answer where he said all he wanted to do was relax and not hear anything about politics. In the question before that he again talked about not wanting to hear people's problems, favoring to just binge watch TV. So there's was a theme there of just wanting to engage in mindless entertainment.


the new ghostbusters was awesome. better than the original as it was fresher and more topical. I can't wait to see the new oceans 11 remade without any men as well. it's gonna be great. girl power!


I know Joe and Sal are hard core republicans and are voting for Trump. Your right Quinn looks like a big liberal


How do you know? So far it looks like they're keeping their mouths shut about the election...unless they both said something.

But if they did...I advise them not to go on youtube until November...and maybe after that. Seriously...stay away from it!

Don't say anything bad about Jojo
If she's a disciplinarian, I'm the Queen Of England!- Stella


Pretty sure Q said on the Tell 'Em Steve-Dave podcast that he'd done his research and was a staunch supporter of Hilary. I'd have to look thru the episodes to say which one(s) it was


OK, two of the four are for Hillary. But two are for Trump. So Hil did NOT win them all.

Really? Love to know what research HE'S done that says Hillary would be good for the country AT ALL. Probably as much 'research' as Seth Meyers does.

Don't say anything bad about Jojo
If she's a disciplinarian, I'm the Queen Of England!- Stella


Easy there lady, just relaying information.


I know. Just wanting to know where he gets his "info". Probably from The Daily News. They're sooooo fair and unbiased. (Rolls eyes)

Don't say anything bad about Jojo
If she's a disciplinarian, I'm the Queen Of England!- Stella


Are they really?

That's interesting to know.

I do feel sorry for you US citizens, I wouldn't want to vote either of those two into such a powerful positions for different reasons, but both are as bad as each other.

Although our situation in the UK is not any better anyway.....


NO frigging way!!! Trump is the better man!!! He's a good man! Don't believe these women, they're plants! Can't you see that? They're plants!! Hillary is a liar, a cheater, she bribes, she manipulates, she's partially responsible for 4 soldiers getting killed, she's 100% self centered, how is SHE better at all?!

She can't even make a decent campaign commercial.

Trump will win! And he'll be damn good. Better than Obozo!

Don't say anything bad about Jojo
If she's a disciplinarian, I'm the Queen Of England!- Stella


I know what Hilary is, believe me, I have known of her corruption for many years, the fact she defended a child rapist, made her out as a liar and then laughed about the fact he was got off.
Also her cover up before Bill was even in office.

However, Trump is not a good man at all, his racist comments were made by him, put out by him, nobody planted them, he thought it and said it. He is in no way a 'good man'.

Personally I think he would be better, just because he doesn't have as many connections in Washington who may owe him, like Hilary. She may be able to call in favours or corrupt the system into getting what she wants done and that's scary. But I pity US citizens the choice of these two.


Sigh...OK, here I go for the millionth time.

Trump is NOT RACIST!! He is not! He wants to stop illegal immigration by building the wall!! Illegal, as in coming into the country against the law. And

P.S. There ARE rapists and murders in Mexico. It is NOT a good place. I know. I had a friend who went there once and they were confined to only a few areas. They had specific instructions NOT to go anywhere outside the areas because that was where people robbed, murdered, mugged, sold drugs, especially to Americans!

And he did NOT say permanently ban Muslems. He said temporarily until ISIS is caught and destroyed. Because ISIS is made up of Muslems and they've been sneaking into this country with fake documents on the pretense of being actual refugees, then blowing up buldings and people. God, they influenced that boy to do it way back in June to the nightclub! We can't take any chances until that group is blown away!

Besides, stop and think. Hillary wants to let in 10,000 refugees. Fine...but where does she plan to PUT them?! We only have x amount of room here! Where can they go? How will we feed all of them? Where can they stay? And we're supposed to just let them in? My Grandparents came here from Italy, and they had to have papers, Greencards, and they HAD to have working knowledge of English!! Why did THEY have to do all of that and 10,000 people don't?! That's not fair! And who will support them? Us? With taxes?

He's not being racist, he's being smart. Sometimes, you have to think with your head first, not your heart. Sad, but true.

Don't say anything bad about Jojo
If she's a disciplinarian, I'm the Queen Of England!- Stella


please do not sigh to me, I am someone who understands the wider picture, compared to an insular perspective.

There are also places you cannot go in the USA because of gun crime, murder and rape. Mexicans are not rapists. If you believe that 1. the wall will work or 2. the wall will ever be built, even if Trump gets in, you are very delusional, nobody will pass through the wall.

Less then one per cent of Muslims are terrorists, you cannot ban the whole of a religion because of a few, there are christian terrorists, living on your doorstep.
Less people have died of terrorism in the past five years in the US compared to a week of gun crime.

Where will you put them? The US is a very large country, with lots and lots of empty space.

I don't feel I even need to highlight the hypocrisy of US citizens against immigration as your whole population are immigrants.

But I do not think this is the place for political debates, so I will end it there.

And by the way, I do not support Hilary, I think she will be more dangerous in the white house, if I was in the US I would vote for neither of them, but hope Trump may win because his 'policies' are so absurd that congress would never pass any of them, like the wall.


I know Joe and Sal are hard core republicans and are voting for Trump. Your right Quinn looks like a big liberal

How do you know for sure they are republicans? Where did you hear this?

I have a feeling none of them really care about politics all that much.

You must defeat Sheng Long to stand a chance.


To the poster who said Q voiced support for Hilary. It was later revealed that was because they were trying to work out a deal to have Hilary appear in IJ.


Seriously?!?! I hope that means they were gonna pull a prank on her. That's the only time I'd EVER watch her there.

Don't say anything bad about Jojo
If she's a disciplinarian, I'm the Queen Of England!- Stella
