Funniest Joker?

I couldn't find a thread on this so I thought I would start one.. for me I think Joe is easily the funniest.. the guy just cracks me up so much.. next I think Sal and Q are fairly equal.. both have hit or miss moments but if I had to pick one over the other it would be Q then Sal.. Murr would be last for me.. a lot of the time where the other jokers are awkward funny Murr is mostly just awkward in a not very funny way.


I second Joe, he is hilarious and just seems so fearless when he has to do/say something completely embarrassing!


Murr's funny! Just as funny as the rest. ya just don't see it that easily cause they really pick on him the most and it overshadows how funny he is!

As to the funniest...I don't know...can't really decide.

Don't say anything bad about Jojo
If she's a disciplinarian, I'm the Queen Of England!- Stella


oh he is funny.. I didn't mean he wasn't.. I just think hes the least funny out of the bunch! :P


Joe is the funniest because he is willing to do the most. Sal is funny because he either cries or laughs when he is embarrassed. Murray is funny because he gets embarrassed but does things anyways. Q is the least funny but still funny.


I agree that Joe is the funniest because he will do almost anything. Sal and Q are pretty close with their delivery though. I like Murr too, but as others have pointed out, some of his stuff is just plain awkward, like when the guys just gawk at him because they can't believe he actually did or said what he did...


because they can't believe he actually did or said what he did...

Cause he's trying his best not to lose! Think he wants another punishment like the ones they always give him?

Don't say anything bad about Jojo
If she's a disciplinarian, I'm the Queen Of England!- Stella


I think Joe and Sal are the funniest (Joe being #1). Hello, Scoopski Potatoes. I actually think sometimes Murr is funnier than Q. But then Murr says weird stuff like, "You're a sexy litte fella".

Sal and his falling down laughing is hilarious. Also his "rap", "Now don't make, the same mistakes I made, don't get yourself taken out of grade, 11 and go up to heaven..." I doubt any of the other guys could have done something like that on the spot.

I love when Murr and Sal bicker.



I agree with Joe being #1 and Sal being a close second. Murr and Q have their great moments too.
