Just finished it.

I was fine with the last one. It was better than the 2016 flick. We had the passing of the torch and a respectful send off of Egon.

This had some great ideas. The main villian reminded me of the designs we saw in the cartoon. The firefighter scene was good. The new drone seemed like a cool toy idea for kids.


It had too many characters and most are there to reference other movies.

They pass the torch again. Guys, the original Ghostbusters are in their 70's. Can we please stop Hollywood from taking old men a d putting them in action sequences. It's elder abuse.

The added characters tac on time to an overlong movie.

The Patton Oswald scene could have been removed completely. Ray works in an occult bookstore. You don't need a library scene. But, you gotta reference the library ghost from the original.

The actual bad guy doesn't show up until the last 15-20 minutes. That's fine but it would be better of they didn't add the extra nostalgia situations like slider in the firehouse.

It's okay, but too long and a bit boring.


I agree. Too many characters, not enough fun and laughs. I gave it a 6/10.


I saw the movie at the theater downtown earlier. it was great. That and a long with Afterlife they are much better than the crapjob 2016 movie.

Great to see the return of Peck as the Mayor this time. That and Phoebie still have temper issues when things don't go her way.

then there's Melody the match ghost I could smell her being the backstabber minion ghost to sort of help the main baddie ghost out to unleash his might.

and nice to see Slimer and I swear he must have grown big height size from eating all that food. He was bigger than the son


William Atherton and John Rothman were definitely too much. Atherton as Peck was first a nice gag, but the more he showed up the worse it get. It was quite ridiculous that he was allowed to confess e.g. the Ghostbuster packs and close the fire house (which was privately owned). Also he looked a bit too old for his job, older as Biden actually. :D

Oswald was really totally useless. They could have also just went to the library to grab a book, still having the liberian ghost cameo. Anyway, the moving stone lion was a nice action scene, the only thing I actually would keep from the whole sequence.

What about other actors? Celeste O'Connor was already in the first one forgetable, here she is even superfluous. Why she qualified for the intern program? James Acaster instead made sense, but his role could have been also mixed with O'Connor. The real ghostbusters, Bill Murray as always showed that he is totally not interested in this shit and they tried their best to make him work. Especially Aykroyd disappointed at the finale, he should have helped Mckenna with the proton packs and not being just a total incompetent spooney.

Then about the first action scene: I totally disliked it! That the kids were doing their ghostbusting in the first movie was totally fine, but why would a responsible mom bring her kid daughter to a job and then still complain, when her kid daughter is using her "icon" seat move. Imo they should have better mixed the scenes up. That Finn Wolfhard was with them, OK, he is now 18, he was also save with his gimmicks. But for Mckenna Grace I had preferred, if she had been with her sidekick Logan Kim at the diner. So we had first thought: Ah ok, they are busy with busting jobs, thats cool. Just to find out, that Mckenna was doing it against her moms will and she still screw it up - just because of another reason. Thus the whole plot had been worked much more believable for me.


I think you nailed it. Hell, you don't even need the library when Ray has his own bookstore filled with oddities, macabre, magic, and the paranormal. What happened to the Tobin Spirit guide?

I did my podcast on it. My wife listened in and agreed. She actually fell asleep during the movie.
