MovieChat Forums > The Last of Us (2013) Discussion > Last of Us 2.. Joel is killed, Ellie out...

Last of Us 2.. Joel is killed, Ellie out for revenge?

My theory is that Joel was killed and Ellie is out for revenge. Joel appears out of nowhere in the trailer, almost like a ghost.

Second theory..someone said a pregnant woman shows up in uncharted as an Easter egg and many thought it was either Ellie or her mother,

If itsmellie, could someone have kidnaped her baby to do studies on it to see if it is also immune and now she's out for revenge?


I think the first theory is probably correct. That was the impression I got from the trailer too. It seemed like Joel was only there in Ellie's mind.

This is also strengthened by the fact that Naughty Dog has apparently confirmed that you play as Ellie for the entire game. That wouldn't really make sense if Joel was alive. I doubt he'd just hang back and let Ellie go on a revenge mission by herself, and I can't see him just being a useless NPC tagging along behind her the whole game, getting in her way.

I really hope they don't go that way, but it's looking like it. I think that'll be really disappointing. I want to play as both Joel and Ellie again, and I want them both alive and interacting, at least through most of the game. I just can't see the story being as good as the first one without both the characters we are so invested in.


Oh, and your second theory is really interesting. That would be a much better plot in my opinion. Especially with both Joel and Ellie going to rescue the baby and exact revenge.

The thing is, though, this is the easter egg poster that appears in Uncharted 4:

As you can see, the pregnant woman is wearing a gas mask. And as we know, Ellie is immune to spores and doesn't ever need to use a gas mask. So, unless something has changed with Ellie's infection, like it's mutated again or something, I don't think that can be Ellie.

EDIT: Oh, nevermind. It would actually make sense for her to be wearing the mask while pregnant, because she would have to assume that her baby is not immune to spores and infection. So yeah, I like this theory a LOT. I hope they go this way with the game.


Ellie's also her being pregnant is a little... well.


She could also be bisexual.


I don't think that's Ellie. Ellie has short hair and the woman in that photo has longer hair.


I thought of the first theory as well while watching the trailer and I think that would be an interesting story to take.
As for your second theory I think that sounds like it would be really interesting and this is the first place I've heard this theory before. The only problem is Ellie is gay so I'm not sure how that would effect that theory.


Ellie is not gay. Ellie was a 14 year old girl who kissed her best friend. That does not make one gay. And it was definitely a pregnant Ellie in that poster. I will be extremely disappointed if they kill off Joel. But they said you will play primarily as Ellie. Not exclusively. After the first game I really didn't want a second. I thought it was perfect as it was. But that clip gave me chills. Whether or not we know what's going to happen, are we all assuming that "them" are the fireflies?


As far as I know Neil Druckmann pretty much confirmed she was gay but I could be wrong and also no we aren't 100% certain that's Ellie pregnant on that poster. There's a chance it might be but nothing has been confirmed. I think most people are assuming the "them" is the fireflies but that hasn't been confirmed either.


The 'Joel's dead' theory seems to be a popular one. I suppose time will tell if it's true.

Why don't you take a pill, bake a cake, go read the encyclopaedia.


People still love that BS theory. Watch the panel.Naughty Dog knows what they're doing. That plot idea is something that one hit wonder,M.Night would come up with.



But if not, I certainly expect Joel will not make it through the entire game regardless.

I think someone (possibly a new partner) or some people who mean something to Ellie are killed, likely Tommy, etc., and so she is out for revenge. I can't wait to find out.
