TV show or movie

I almost think this would work better as a tv show than as a movie. I would love to see this announced as a new show on AMC. Each season of the show could be split into true seasons like the game; Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring. By the time the show reaches Spring a new game will have come out and the show can go from there.

Any thoughts on this? I know a lot of people are divided on The Walking Dead on AMC (I personally love it) so I can see how it would be a divided opinion.


I'm a big fan of TWD on AMC. In fact it was after playing TLOU that I decided to give TWD a shot in 2013. I am hooked on TWD now. But to your point, you may be right that TLOU would work better as a TV show. It wouldn't have to follow the story or characters from the game, all I care is that such a show or film would be done right by the game. As narrow-focused as the game is it does a fantastic job of world building this post-apocalyptic cordyceps fungus dominated world. A TV show or a film (or a series of films) would definitely have to honor the game in that regard.


A tv show umm no we have the walking dead for that


A movie, with Paul Thomas Anderson directing from a screenplay co-written by himself and Neil Druckmann as they produce alongside Sam Raimi with Emmanuel Lubezki as the Director of Photography.
