Henry and his brother.

This *beep* is the reason I'd never get into a group unless everyone knew the score. There would be none of the below happening then.

Henry's brother got infected and attacked Ellie. He threatened Joel to keep back. The cowardly prick put Joel and Ellie in danger back when they were chased by the armored humvee leaving them there. And then again when his little brother got infected. It's like deep down Henry had no intention of being a team player. Using Joel and Ellie to get him and his brother to safety or getting them half way then saying to hell with you we're off. His actions support this. I have no sympathy for the maggot or his brother. Good riddance to both of them. Two more dead weigh issues resolved. *beep* cowards both of them were anyway!.

Rab: "Take a man's faimly away and whit's he got?"
Jamesie: "Nothing but money and freedom!"


Uh, I don't know if you're trolling or just weren't paying attention but they saved Ellie/Joel in the river. That's absolutely being a 'team player' and ultimately Henry DID shoot Sam, his own brother for christs sake.

You seem to have missed a bunch, maybe replay the Pittsburgh area?

I'd love to see you in the moonlight with your head thrown back and your body on fire.


Somethings never *beep* change on this website. Every time someone sees a view they just don't agree with for some reason they assume someone is trolling. Welcome to the ignore list. You could have answered it in a decent manner. One that doesn't assume an opposing view is trolling because you don't like what is said. And that at the end of the day is all it is.

Rab: "Take a man's faimly away and whit's he got?"
Jamesie: "Nothing but money and freedom!"


No, you missed things that happened in the game, not an "opposing point of view".

I'd love to see you in the moonlight with your head thrown back and your body on fire.


Post Edited: Thu Aug 11 2016 12:59:22
Somethings never *beep* change on this website. Every time someone sees a view they just don't agree with for some reason they assume someone is trolling. Welcome to the ignore list. You could have answered it in a decent manner. One that doesn't assume an opposing view is trolling because you don't like what is said. And that at the end of the day is all it is.

I hope you are familiar with the concept of hypocrisy because you are clearly showing it.

The guy DID answer you in a decent manner. He only assumed you were trolling cos you sounded so stupid. But he never once insulted you. He merely disagreed with your views.

You talk about him "not liking what is being said" but here you are being a sissy b!tch and putting him in your ignore list because he disagreed with something you said. Way to become a loser b!tch.


^ 

Why don't you take a pill, bake a cake, go read the encyclopaedia.


Henry made the right choice. why would he sacrifice all four people, including two kids, when he could save three?


Yeah, I think it would be a tough deal in the TLOU universe. Though I don't really see these events featuring Henry and Sam as you do, I do know it would be difficult to trust anyone in such an environment. Given the assorted groups of bandits and hunters it would be tough to put yourself out there, very risky.

Considering some of the events depicted in the game I can see how it's easy to distrust Henry. Most of these events look bad on the surface, but have an explanation given the circumstances. The writers were very smart in how they did things.

Abandoning Joel/Ellie near the bridge? Who knows how it would have turned out if he hadn't.

I would argue that Henry and Sam are good folk, it's just that "things happen". As traumatic as the death of his little brother was he didn't need to commit suicide to deal with it. As inhumane as it seems, people would need to understand that dwelling on such a close/impactful loss can wait until the immediacy of the danger was resolved (ie killing the runner that was once his brother before he hurt anyone else.) Some might be able to quickly compartmentalize things, but the writers made it so Henry didn't.

Long story short, yep it would be very tough to trust anyone. Twenty years into the Cordyceps induced apocalypse it seems there would be very few, if any, good people remaining. With the brief glimpses and hearsay we don't really even know what the entire country looks like. It's easy to think it would be more of the same, but maybe there are still pockets of normal/good groups out there.
