No love for Oleg...

I have liked Oleg for a long time. Very intriguing character, and the relationship with Nina, then with Stan, was great for the show. I'm getting worried he will soon be killed off, and that will really suck. Especially if they do it as unceremoniously as they did Nina.


I hope they don't duplicate another Nina here. Oleg is pretty shrewd so he may figure out what to do.



Stan just put his whole career and life on the line to protect Oleg.
That really impressed me!
Maybe Oleg will survive.



At first I was like, why did Oleg tell his mom about his predicament, she is too fragile of a person.
but then that scene when she tells him she was in a prison camp for 5 years!
And she did what she had to do to survive.
And she told Oleg, go ahead and do whatever you need to do.
Wow, she is way more hardcore than I thought.


Yes, I just finished watching this episode. With what happened with Stan, and with Oleg getting his mother's support and a 'do what you need to' nudge, maybe he will still have enough of a story left. It stinks that he won't know what Stan did for him.


yeah he thinks Stan betrayed him and he will never know the truth. I feel like both him and Stan are decent people and patriots of their respective countries, they both want to do the right thing. But they are surrounded by people who are not so decent and will eagerly cross a lot of ethical lines.


I think Stan & Oleg demonstrate the cost of the Cold War, of its consequences to the patriotic, highly competent people engaged to work on what were essentially its front lines.


There was probably a lot of dick sucking involved in his mothers case. Being a male he has less opportunities to get by that way.


He had second thoughts and tried to go to the meeting but I don't know why he'd think it was still on after he missed it twice.


He missed it once, then he went twice. That's when he realized CIA were not coming for him anymore and burned the tape with the note.


Love Oleg! Please, not another Nina.
