MovieChat Forums > The Americans (2013) Discussion > So what is the point of Henry being on t...

So what is the point of Henry being on the show?

Lol that kid is like never seen at all, and his parents are never shown interacting with him, when they enter a room they look around to make sure he's not there when they see Paige as if he's some other families kid.

I got a feeling the writers are regretting making them have two kids because all we ever hear about Henry is "Wheres your brother? He's at a friends house" lol thats pretty much the only time he's mentioned. He's been absent so long that when he showed up a few episodes ago i didn't know who it was at first because he'd grown so much.


Did you watch the teaser for next week? It shows Phillip and Elizabeth grabbing Henry and interrogating him (where were you? Who were you with?) and they are in their pilot and stewardess disguises. Something BIG is going to happen with Henry next week! He's been so under the radar and the parents ignore him but I think he's up to something.


Um bro that wasn't Henry that was the asian kid they got working for them, ya know the kid thats pretending to be friends with that Russian kid to get info. So no that wasn't Henry in the teaser.

And i seriously doubt if Henry was gonna find out about them they wouldn't give it away in a freaking teaser showing them randomly confronting him in a disguise.


Then why were they saying "where's Henry? He's not in his room" right before that?


They never at any point in the promo say "Wheres Henry? He's not in his room" i just watched it again, they're talking about Tuan in the promo, they say "Tuan was out in the middle of the night? It didn't feel right".


Then in that case I guess you are right and Henry has no purpose whatsoever. I was hoping he would get some kind of a storyline that mattered.


In your defense, Tuan and Henry look similar. When this season first began, for a few moments I thought Tuan was Henry in the opening school scene. I wonder if this resemblance is gonna play a factor in a future episode.


I was just too high or something! They do look kind of alike as much as a white kid and a vietnamese kid can look alike. But mostly I was high. I falsely remembered whole sentences.
I think Henry is being written out of the show. He's useless to the plot anyway so ship him off the boarding school and we'll never see him again.


They're making him to be super smart, so he might figure out his parents' true identities. But if he's going to boarding school, he could end up being friends with some senator's kid and give them the inside track. That might be why Elizabeth is supporting the idea.


yes I think making friends with the children of govt bigwigs could be a tantalizing thing for Elizabeth. her wheels are already spinning, thinking about getting invited to dinner at some senator's home and planting bugs.
