MovieChat Forums > Tracks (2014) Discussion > Unusual thngs of the film.

Unusual thngs of the film.

Well film was good one but i found some unrealistic things in it.

1. She was onto find redemption or peace of her inside or a better word formulated for this according to Moslow "self-actualization" but she herself said that she just packs junk load and then unpacks the junk load and keeps going. The whole purpose of the journey was just to cross that distance with hardships. Was crossing that length giving her the redemption?

2. The main point which was annoying me,i have seen many desert films. I apologize that i have never been to desert myself to feel the real thing but according to other desert films and according to common-sense thing i am saying this. In some of scenes she was not wearing anything at all and in some of scenes she was half visible, so my question is that desert has scorching heat of sun and it evaporates the water from skin and she had very limited water with her to survive on the way, then how could she stay that way? The films i have seen, the people who live in deserts have themselves covered with clothes everywhere even the shoes are of closed-type. This was quite strange for me that she was wearing open shoes and open clothes and she didn't show any signs of dehydration. I mean the lips getting pealed off, or skin color changing etc. etc.

3. I don't know the extent of real story and the extent of dramatization added in the film but for some obvious reasons i found so many variations against the REAL things. Now obviously the real things have not got changed in the 70s and 2000s.


The filmmakers re-created what she wore, in great detail (don't forget they had photos). Robyn Davidson talks about why she wore, or didn't wear, what she did in the book. Here's a quote from an interesting interview with Davidson that I just ran across. She talks a good amount about what went into the trek, and about the film, too.

"Q. Did you really not have a very good hat when you were out there, or was that just artistic licence?
Robyn Davidson: I hate hats! Hats just give you really bad hair [laughs]! I had a hat sometimes. Frankly, you get burnt so much anyway, it’s beside the point. And when you’re walking into the western sun, no hat in the world is going to save your face and neck from being sizzled." ew


Alarm Clock!
Do you need alarm clock, when you are out and sleeping under open sky...
I sleep under open sky in summer, and with my personal experience, you simply wakeup same time evryday, when sun shines over you daily at certain time.
I couldn't really understand?
If she really used it... i would ask her Why!!
You got no boss.. just start work whenever you want.

2nd thing, why she is not shown riding on the camels?
was it her plan? or what?


All of these things are gone over in the book. Early on she was trying to hang on to some kind of structure and linear sense of time, which I guess is highly challenged after months in the desert - the alarm clock was something she hung onto but then let go of, along with her normal sense of time. The camels were primarily for hauling her things, water, etc - she rode them some, but mostly walked - she found that her feet also held up better than her butt - I guess it can get quite sore in such circumstances.
