MovieChat Forums > Barbara (2012) Discussion > Herr Doctor Reiser and Frau Doctor Barba...

Herr Doctor Reiser and Frau Doctor Barbara.


OK, let's have some fun with this, and think about what a sequel might entail ... just for fun.

There was a definite frisson that developed between Barbara and her colleague, Andre. it was slow to develop but it was there. And, there was a look of verrrry quiet astonishment in his eyes, when he saw that Barbara had come back to the hospital to be with her patients, and possibly even with him, wasn't there?
(I loved that last scene. So very telling without any words what ... so ... e-ver)

*** What do you think might have developed between those two? ***

We know that Barbara (shockingly, to my eyes!) initiated a kiss between she and Reiser at his place whilst he was cooking, then had to back away from what she'd started, because she was still plotting her scape and was quite nervous that it wouldn't go off well, or without some sort of hitch. Remember that earlier B. had told Reiser that she'd meet him on Sunday at 11am, which was well after she'd told her Beau that she'd meet the boat to take her to Denmark!
Odd, that.

I loved how the two actors exchanged looks rather than words, to convey their deepening feelings for one another, (the actor who played Reiser especially). I think that if this film were made in the USA, a lot more explaining would have been in order because the studios over here might have felt that the audience might not have been able to put the peices of the puzzle together.

>>>> LASTLY, how sorry did you feel for poor Andre when Stasi officer Klaus told him that Barbara wouldn't be coming back, leading him to ask Klaus, "Did you arrest her?".
God, I almost died!
I mean, here Andre attended and helped Klaus' wife when she dying of cancer, and this is how he gets freakin' REPAID???

Christ ...

PROUD member of PETA: People for the Eating of Tasty Animals


I wanted to reply to at least one of your posts here, because I saw this tonight and thought it was one of the best films of what is shaping up to be an excellent year. It would actually make my top 10 of last year (from which I've seen 129 films) and it's my 12th favorite of this year of the 59 films I've seen so far.* I am very tempted to see it again next week (I have an annual membership to the local arthouse cinema where films are free every Sunday after 6:00 PM), because I know there are pieces of the puzzle I missed the first time.

I thought the wordless ending was terrific. There's no question in my mind that her attraction to Andre was crucial in her decision to stay. She can flee and be with her lover, but (as you point out in another thread) he expects her to give up her job, which she clearly finds extraordinarily fulfilling. Alternately, if she stays and starts a relationship with Andre, she stands a good chance of getting off the Stasi's radar. More importantly, she sees an opportunity to do some good with her medical skill. One thing you haven't mentioned is the importance of Mario's case to the plot. She respects and admires Andre's intuition that all was not well with him, yet it was she who made the crucial observation that led to the correct diagnosis. They make for a terrific team, professionally ... and perhaps romantically.

* My eclectic list of 90 (or 9.0) and better movies from this year; I'm curious as to what your tastes are like ...

1. Cloud Atlas (98)
2. Lincoln (95)
3. The Dark Knight Rises (95)
4. Seven Psychopaths (94)
5. Moonrise Kingdom (94)
6. Holy Motors (93)
7. The Master (92)
8. End of Watch (92)
9. The Avengers (91)
10. Beasts of the Southern Wild (91)
11. Monsieur Lazhar (90)
12. Barbara (90)
13. The Cabin in the Woods (90)

(I haven't seen Zero Dark Thirty, Amour, Silver Linings Playbook, or Les Miserables yet, nor This is Not a Film, Once Upon a Time in Anatolia, The Turin Horse, Tabu, The Kid With a Bike, Magic Mike, Cosmopolis, Rust and Bone, The Grey, Searching for Sugar Man, Killing the Softly, The Sessions ...)

Prepare your minds for a new scale of physical, scientific values, gentlemen.



The points you made in the second half of what you (wisely!) put under the spoiler shield, are spot on!

I relly liked them! I am copying them into this post of mine (see below after muy blurb, please)

ME: What developed between B. and Herr Doctor Reiser was marvellous, aided in large part by Ronald Zehrfeld's masterfully understated yet compassionate performance, yes? I adored looking into his eyes, a feature that also captivated the dirctor into casting this young man, because "I like heroes who have sad eyes" as Mr. Director Petzold stated, in an interview.

I especially liked the point you made about her getting off of The Stasi's radar were she to enter into a relationship with Andre. THAT is an excellent point !!


YOU: Alternately, if she stays and starts a relationship with Andre, she stands a good chance of getting off the Stasi's radar. More importantly, she sees an opportunity to do some good with her medical skill. One thing you haven't mentioned is the importance of Mario's case to the plot. She respects and admires Andre's intuition that all was not well with him, yet it was she who made the crucial observation that led to the correct diagnosis. They make for a terrific team, professionally ... and perhaps romantically.

PROUD member of PETA: People for the Eating of Tasty Animals


Maybe I misinterpreted it, but I don't see how she's around for a sequel unless it takes place in a work camp.

Fight the storm.


Maybe I misinterpreted it, but I don't see how she's around for a sequel unless it takes place in a work camp.

ALL interpretations are welcomed, I dare say. Who's to know who's right / correct and who isn't, after all?

Now, to whom are you referring being in a work camp?

NOT Stella surely, because (as you'll recall) Barbara set her free! And, Barbara wasn't arrested and put into such a camp, as we also saw at the film's verrrrry end, so ... Who'd be put in there and what compelled you to come up with this thought?

NOTE: I'm not meaning to challenge you. I'm just wanting to know how you think, is all .

PROUD member of PETA: People for the Eating of Tasty Animals


No worries. Unlike some people 'round here, I can handle being challenged without getting upset. Heh.


Barbara. Yes, we see her at the end of the movie, but that appeared to be immediately after her adventure on the beach. Which is to say, she hadn't been arrested yet. The Stasi guy didn't seem like the sort of person who would let her stay free after her little escapade. And I interpreted Reiser's smile as "Wow, you are one ballsy chick!"

I'm not as convinced as I was at the time I saw it. It's nice to imagine that they talked their way out of it somehow and went on to subvert the state for the next 10 years until The Wall fell.

Fight the storm.


Well. who can't like your attitude???

Yes, many people here are awfully, awfully overly-sensitive, aren't they?

Note that I've quoted you then replied, and PUT THE WHOLE thing under a spoiler shield. Yet, it doesn't show up in that way.

Just mouse-hover and you'll see my whole reply, INCLUDING what I've quoted from you, alright?


Barbara. Yes, we see her at the end of the movie, but that appeared to be immediately after her adventure on the beach. Which is to say, she hadn't been arrested yet. The Stasi guy didn't seem like the sort of person who would let her stay free after her little escapade.

Oh, excellent point, but remember that Stasi-guy also told Reiser that Barbara wouldn't be coming back, impelling Reiser to ask of him, "Did you arrest her?" so I interpreted this as meaning that Stasi-Guy wasn't clued in.

And I interpreted Reiser's smile as "Wow, you are one ballsy chick!"

Yep, me too. He smiled ever soooooooooooo sliiiiiiightly at her during the final minute of the film, didn't he? One almost couldn't make out a smile from him, but, in the end I think Reiser admired Barbara greatly.

I'm not as convinced as I was at the time I saw it. It's nice to imagine that they talked their way out of it somehow and went on to subvert the state for the next 10 years until The Wall fell.

Well, sequels can be good or they can be just the opposite, can't they? I usually frown upon the making of them, but, in this case, for this film? I'd love to see what developed between Herr Doctor and Frau Doctor, plus what new patients she'd attempt to treat and how she'd help them. [/quote]

PROUD member of PETA: People for the Eating of Tasty Animals
