MovieChat Forums > Saw X (2023) Discussion > They should retcon the sequels

They should retcon the sequels

Like they did in Halloween and have this one continue after the original. The sequels make this series so contrived and convoluted that it makes me wonder what kind of story can they even tell now.


Well they sort of are.

It's set between Saw (2004) and Saw II (2005). So it's not 'ignoring' the sequels as much as it's taking place before them so it doesn't have to continue on from where they left off.

Tobin Bell is 81 years old now. I doubt he'll be playing Jigsaw much more. If this is a hit they might get him back for a quick sequel but he's getting on in age now... I imagine an outright reboot/remake will happen in a few years time.


Yeah I just hope this one is good. The only sequels I liked was 2&3 since John was still alive. VI was ok because of the insurance storyline.

I just hope it ties in well with the first three or make it with Amanda surviving SAW 3 and making her take over after John.


They should just continue with Hoffman and Gordon storyline.

Signed, million man.


Didn’t really like Hoffman but I wouldn’t mind a Dr. Gordon story. Now getting Cary Elwes to comeback would be something.


Hoffman was the best. He didn't give a fuck.

Signed, million man.


He was boring though. Amanda had personality and Dr. Gordon (Elwes) had Star power so both of them would’ve made better choices as Jigsaw’s successor than Hoffman.


I strongly disagree. This scene was not boring. He was a great villain.

Signed, million man.


That was because SAW VI was good in general though. The only one I like really after the third one.


Disagree. Whilst the franchise has no doubt gotten convoluted and over the top I am glad they have retained the continuity without ignoring previous works that franchises such as Halloween and Texas Chainsaw Massacre keep doing.


The thing I don't like though about this series is how convoluted and contrived they are. I feel that for a lot of this movie to play out everyone had to be in the right place at the wrong time and usually it was just a case of bad luck which costs the lives of a lot of the victims in this movie.

Also it is unbelievable that one man (a man with cancer nonetheless). can kidnap at least over 30 victims , and build and set up all their traps/games in such a short timespan? And none the "apprentices" ever knew about one another, or even bother to go to the police? Speaking of which the police and FBI were extremely incompetent in this movie which made the movies and of suck.

Don't get me wrong, Jigsaw is my third favorite horror movie villain (after Michael Myers and Leatherface), but the SAW series should've been simple and made in a believable way.


Hoffman was the brawn and did most of the heavy lifting along with Logan. Amanda helped with the traps. And they all knew about each other. Especially Hoffman and Amanda. Also Dr Gordon did all the surgical stuff. Why would they go to the police? They would get in trouble too and were scared of what Kramer is capable of.

Signed, million man.


But if they all teamed up then they would have nothing to fear from John. Dude was dying it’s not like he’s some professional fighter or something.

Also I don’t recall Hoffman and Logan working together. They should’ve just stuck to the first three.


Logan seemed like he was shoehorned in.

Signed, million man.


He probably would’ve been the most logical apprentice to have since he was a veteran and a doctor from what I recall.

He should’ve been the main villain instead of Hoffman after John and Amanda died.


No, they shouldn't. The retconning fad is nothing more than a cheap, lazy cop out.


Its useful sometimes when a franchise has shitty sequels.


I don't think the Saw sequels were that shitty except for a few.


I like 2,3 and 6. 4 was ok and 5,7,8, and 9 were forgettable.


I agree. I want to see the story continue

Signed, million man.
