MovieChat Forums > The Purge (2013) Discussion > who was the most annoying character?

who was the most annoying character?

probably the son for me, nothing he did made much of any sense

but the daughter and her boyfriend were extremely annoying as well


Def Goddam he sucked, I waited the whole movie hopein he get done in


Charlie, Charlie, Charlie.

- Opens the doors to let the black guy inside, without knowing for certain if the black guy is good or not.
- Hides the black guy when his parents (his beloved parents!!!!) are risking their lives to find him so that Charlie and his sister can live another day.
- Never apologizes, or shows remorse, for letting the black guy inside, thereby causing all this trouble.
- Never tries to accept the blame for his father's death.
- Uses a flashlight in the basement when he is trying to hide, as if the intruders won't see a strange moving beam in the darkness.

His sister isn't too far behind either:

- Never thinks anything suspicious about her boyfriend wanting to meet her father alone, "man to man," on the night in which murder is legal.
- After her boyfriend shoots her father, she runs with off with the boyfriend and grieves over his dying body. Apparently, her boyfriend is more important than the man who reared her with love since childbirth.
- After her boyfriend dies, she runs off into wherever instead of staying with her parents. Her parents must then waste valuable time and energy searching for her instead of deliberating a plan to ward off the people outside.


Apparently, her boyfriend is more important than the man who reared her with love since childbirth.

well, i could see how she might not have liked that


The son and the daughter, they were the worst characters. Lena Headey, to me, is the worst actress I have seen in my 26 years of watching movies, I think I started when I was 7 (?).
Ethan Hawke gave his worst performance in decade. The best actor in this crappy movie was the black guy, who they let inside.


The nutty blonde neighbor. The part where Mary breaks her nose with the gun and slams her dumb face onto the table was the best part of the movie.

I didn't think James Sandin was terribly annoying, I just didn't like him much because he just didn't seem like a person of a lot of integrity to me.


That was a pretty hilarious part.


Both the son and daughter are extremely annoying.

The son will now need to live with the fact that his actions directly lead to his father's death.

The daughter was useless for the most part, but the son was just ridiculous. He let some random dude into their house, what if the guy was pretending just so he could get in there? I wasn't his first purge.

The mom...she was useless, did she even get a single shot off? She should have at least made each of the neighbours leave a toe or a finger in order to leave their house.


the kid definitely. what a retard. who in the flying 7-47 *beep* would let ANYONE in on purge night???

also, that leader dude annoyed the *beep* out of me too. i remember his skinny lil goody-2-shoes punkass on that australian soap opera, home and away. its extremely hard to see him as a villain if you knew what he was like on that show, man id gladly let his twig looking ass in the house and beat him to death myself along with his anonymous wannabe "gang". i dont know, the dude just has an extremely punchable face


The son and daughter completely ruined the movie for me. I almost turned it off.

Sally, I think I'll buy the flowers myself.


The mother was most annoying.She has two pistols,but as soon as an enemy shows themself she "loses" both of them.Remember she is supposed to be a mother protecting her children.
Then we have the lead fratboy who tells the father to find the black ex soldier then turns all the fkn lights out.
