MovieChat Forums > The Purge (2013) Discussion > What is suppose to be the age limit for ...

What is suppose to be the age limit for the purge?

In this universe called the purge what were the actual rules regarding age? Could the people kill anybody even kids babies etc? I ask this because I always wondered when the government said they could kill anyone did they mean even if they wanted to kill kids which I hope wasn't the case. I hope they had an age limit for victims




so no one is gonna answer my question? lol


I'm gonna make my best guess here and say children and infants (or simply anyone under 18) were excluded from Purge Night. That would just be too horrific and barbaric. And if any such rules were violated, I can picture the government using martial law to swiftly execute the offenders.


In theory I would say it's allowed actually. They were about to kill Charlie who looked about 12-13 It says all crime is legal



Indeed, anything goes.


And this is reason number #236 why the premise of this movie is so stupid, and why people with more than 2 brain cells bumping together found the movie so irritating.


Anything goes. Only high level government officials are immune


What constitutes "high level" government officials? Where do they draw the line? Governors, senators, etc.?


Rank 10 according to the film, but I'm only 23 minutes in to it.

I might make it to the end of the movie.

Why is it so hard to find enjoyable (if that's the right term) dystopian feel good movies, like The Running Man, Rollerball to some extent Total Recall (until you realize the kicker at the end).

I'm hoping Rank 10 is somehow explained at some point during the film.


I have the same question. What are the rules? Are hospitals and nursing homes off limits? Are people in the same household immune from each other?


To answer your questions, i would think hospitals and nursing homes are not off limits. even people in the same household can kill each other. i just that they have some decency not to kill kids or babies. i thought the purge would be kill any thing a person think is holding down the government or who they think is holding down society. i hardly think kids are holding down society but then again everybody else had a point that the movie says ALL crime legal


The problem with an age limit is, how do you enforce it?

That kid on the street during the Purge, are you seriously going to ask them for ID before you shoot them? Ooooh, sorry, I didn't realise you were 17, my bad.


"Any and all crime" is legal for 12 hours. No exceptions other than high ranking government officials.
