Truly awful

"Oh a film with Ethan Hawke surely can't be too bad can it?" I kidded myself as I sat down to watch The Purge.

Two hours later and I'm compelled to commit my thoughts here. A ridiculous premise holding together a flimsy plot played out by some terrible acting and most of it directed without lighting.

The first film I've ever seen that had absolutely nothing going for it.


I just thought to myself: "Well if they can restrain their impulses 364 days of the year, then they can for one other day. Then crime would be zero". I'm all for suspending disbelief during films but this just didn't work for me.


This "masterpiece" convinces me that humanity in general is doomed and not worth saving.


Nothing in the movie stated, or suggested, that lawlessness only occured during one 12-hour period each year. Unless my memory doesn't serve me well and I should watch the movie again.


That is the most absurd part. It rests on the notion that murders are all committed deliberately as premeditated acts that could be postponed until 'appropriate'. In fact most crimes are crimes of opportunity/passion and giving people a free day to riot would not do anything to reduce crime the rest of the year.

You kind of have to just accept the stupid premise or not watch at all.


I thought the movie was stupid....I mean the whole concept was different but the family just really turned me off. Do you really think most people would murder just because they could and get away with it? I always thought people who kill were different from you and me. kwim? Just because murder was legal for 12 hrs one night a year doesn't mean I am going out and killing someone just because I can. Lame

"We all go a little mad sometimes."



Do you really think most people would murder just because they could and get away with it?
Yes, why would they not? The whole thing you posted. Of course people would murder if they could get away with it, why not?


Really? I think it takes a different kind of person who kills just because they can. I don't hate anyone that bad were I would kill just because I could. I don't know maybe I still believe that there are more good people out there then you think.Call me silly.

"We all go a little mad sometimes."


The difference is that most of these people believe in the cult of the purge.
They thank the ones that are killed for their sacrifices and thank the new founding fathers before killing...They are not like you and me anymore, they are somewhat brainwashed to think that killing that one night is not just acceptable, but actually a good thing.
If everyone had that mentality around you since you were born, you might feel different about killing someone.


Yep. One of the stupidest movies I've ever seen. Almost as retarded as "Inside".

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


It was awful, but not because of the premise. The set up was what made it interesting. It was all downhill from there. Poor vision and scope from an interesting premise. We get 2 hrs of dumb people doing dumb things in a dark house while the really interesting story material is going on outside in the world.

It's pointless to go into all the stupidity and failures of this film, but its really too bad this wasn't given a more intelligent, creative touch.


Exactly. This amounts to a home invasion movie basically, and a poor one at that. Why the crazy and twisted plot of a purge only to ignore it and focus on one house? Every character did at least one monumentally stupid thing, to the point that it put everyone else in danger. You really didn't care what happened to any of them because they were all so dumb and unlikeable...


LOL. Yeah, based on the cast and the fact that it has generated two sequels, I thought this would be a good watch on Netflix.

What a waste of time and film...


Yeah it was really, really bad.


I agree the movie was sooo boring and dull. I thought it was a mixture of the Blair witch project and a home invasion movie. The whole documentarian picture setting. It was awful. I love the two main characters, but it was painful to watch. Thank god. I only saw this movie once ,yesterday.

"Young White Blonde Tall European Green eye Girl born in the US that loves movies"

Yeah my signature lol


I thought it had good premise and decent execution. It had flaws but Hollywood at least made a novel movie for once.

There are worse movies out there like Interstellar (pure garbage) and The Dark Knight Returns (so much stupid) and others.

So don't worry. This isn't really the last movie you've seen which has nothing going for it.
