MovieChat Forums > The Purge (2013) Discussion > Can you think a movie with a dumber plot...

Can you think a movie with a dumber plot premise?

I can't. I was thinking perhaps 'Battlefield Earth'. But that wasn't all bad premise, just really bad execution. I simply can't take anything in 'The Purge' seriously because the premise is so unbelievably stupid. Granted, it's been done before, and better (Star Trek).

But I'm open to suggestions. Any film with a plot premise stupider than this one, regardless of well or how poorly that premise plays out.



Jaws The Revenge


Face Off had the absolute stupidest premise I've ever seen. This doesn't seem that dumb by comparison.

Be cautious when you see a light at the end of the tunnel. It could be an oncoming train.


That's not bad. Whole idea of that movie was grotesquely stupid. In it's way it was well executed. It was bad, but they went all the way bad, and it came across well enough. Those roles were meant for Travolta and Cage. I've always thought of Face/Off as a fairly harmless, fun movie.


Yes, it was a fairly well made film, I just could not swallow the premise. As a lover of the panned "Airport '79", I can definitely get behind enjoying a film with numerous flaws.

Be cautious when you see a light at the end of the tunnel. It could be an oncoming train.


Who cares? It's just a movie. Make believe ya know! Next thing you will probably be complaining about is that it can't actually rain meatballs


I know I am on the minority but I think the walking dead is extraordinary stupid.


I'm with you. I stopped watching after S5 because I couldn't hack how stupid the main characters were, repeating the same mistakes over and over.
