Is this ethical filming?

James Cameron shot on the streets of LA without permission for parts of The Terminator and many other famous movies have footage taken illegally (Going by the absolute definition of the word) and so is this movie due Disney's thwart or is it lucky that it got picked up enough by the independent circuits?


"is this movie due Disney's thwart"

I'm puzzled by this sentence, I'm not quite sure what you mean (my bad though, English isn't my native language).

This movie was shot illegaly in different Walt Disney Worlds. They also shot a few scenes in front of a green screen.
Since this movie was featured at Sundance, it gained enough exposure to attract a distributor.

Is that what you wanted to know?


I was thinking more along the lines of how Disney are such a large and powerful brand that this movie may have been like mud in their eye and they'd want to exact revenge on the cast and crew for it - perhaps just bidding their time to do so.


Oh no, they were just afraid of the Streisand effect, so they kept their mouths shut.
They didn't like it, but talking about it would have been a bad idea.

What a publicity it would have been: "The Movie Disney Doesn't Want You To See!". They played it smart.


I think you are right.

Do you think they will get their revenge in the future against them?


I don't think so, this movie wasn't a huge success and it didn't make Disney lose money or anything.
They probably already forgot about it.


Thanks understandable.

I think Disney might still veto anything nominated by the crew or cast in the future though - just to keep things as quiet as they should be for them.


Oh yeah probably for the Oscars and such, but I don't think they have power over a festival like Sundance (and probably others).


That is what I was trying to ask (Thank you for your patience) in the original post but I'm new to posting, mostly been a lurker in the past but after the death of IMDB wanted to make sure I found a voice.


Oh no problem! I'm kinda slow today ^^

Mostly a lurker too but I'm trying to participate here, and this place is more friendly than IMDb boards used to be. So far we're almost troll-free, which is nice.
Hope it won't change!


It will change but I hope the administrator (Jim) will get a better handle on the situation before it becomes overrun.

We will have to wait and see what Disney does or doesn't do with Escape from Tomorrowland I am sure but I hope they don't pursue it, it was a one-off and had an odd abstract story but one that worked for many of those who saw it.


Now we have a report button, soon a moderation team, everything should work out :-)

Oh and I'm confident Disney won't do anything about it. Escape from Tomorrow released 4 years ago already, it's kinda late to take action.


I've enjoyed our conversation here and I think you have supplied all the questions I have had with very good answers. I hope we bump into each other on more boards as the site builds up and thank you for taking the time to understand my badly formed query.


My pleasure Wilson! And I don't think your OP was "badly formed", it's just me no being fully bilingual. No big deal!
See you around ;-)


I hope so, and thank you again!


Who gets to decide if it or if it isn't, and who ultimately IS right? Is it up to us? Disney? The filmmakers? God? Conscience? Common sense? My grandmother? Your dog?
