MovieChat Forums > Escape from Tomorrow (2014) Discussion > I don't get it's 2014!

I don't get it's 2014!

Why do Producers/ Directors think it's still cool to produce a movie in B&W rather than color? I appreciate that B&W provides cleaner lines, however my world is all in color as I sit here in my living room surrounded by color with a B&W movie running on my 55" Plasma TV I think ....why????....particularly as Disney World is so full of color. Very disappointing!


According to the wikipedia article on the film, the filmmaker says he shot in black and white because he didn't have control over lighting, had to shoot at different times of day, etc., and had a low budget, which would have made it impossible to realistically balance the color through the film. It also creates a spooky, detached-from-reality atmosphere (precisely because b/w is so rare nowadays), which may have been the real reason.


Thanks for your feedback phelpsg1 :). Even though I'm middle aged I've never been a fan of B&W. Ask a teenager today what they think of B&W and they will no doubt respond - "what's that". The movie lost my attention due to it being so dull. I have been to Disney World in Orlando and it's very absorbing. I hear what you are saying, however I think the director is being self-indulgent and/ or cheap. I don't have a problem in shooting video in color on my $500 Sony video/ still camera regardless of the light conditions....but Hey - we are all allowed to have our own opinions (unless one lives in North Korea) Thanks again for your feedback!!!


When you shoot a film the shots need to match from scene to scene. Lots of planning goes into it. Different kinds of light are different colors, daylight is blue, incandescent is orange, florescent is green.

Just be glad you are blissfully ignorant of what happens on a film shoot and just stick to watching movies...

What a crazy nation of socialist republics that are together in a federation, of craziness


Just be glad you are blissfully ignorant of what happens on a film shoot and just stick to watching movies...

My thoughts exactly.
Like Facebook page for my first feature film.



You don't need to be 'allowed' to have an opinion. That's what's wrong with political correctness. It's a deliberate method of censoring peoples thoughts. The censorship is a self enforced prison and the guards are everyone around you.

Scientologists love Narnia, there's plenty of closet space.


People are entitled to their own opinions, but what they aren't entitled to is their own facts/reality; an opinion should be informed.

There are a lot of willfully ignorant people who spout off on things that they are clueless about, and pointing that out isn't political correctness, it's about getting back to a time when people had enough humility to not criticize subject matter experts when they aren't schooled in that field. It would make for a world not drowning in noise and vitriol like ours is today.


While there were very practical reasons why the film was shot on black and white, I think artistically it also works better in that format. It adds to the surreal nature of the film that color would have eliminated.

I pity people who don't watch black and white films specifically because they are monochromatic. It's their loss that they will never watch Raging Bull, Young Frankenstein, Paper Moon, Manhattan, Night of the Living Dead, and countless classics made before color film was common and cost-effective.


Yes but your opinion may be more informed after I point out why you're completely wrong.

Lots of things aren't Political Correct(ness). So what? Were you intending to make some point about something there? While you were doing that you completely missed the point.

I was using Political Correctness as an example of thought Policing. Political Correctness wasn't the main thrust of conversation. I was commenting on the idea that people feel they should be "allowed" to have an opinion.

Who says anyone is an expert in anything? Having a PhD means you can state an opinion which, you justify as fact, because that's your reality. That reality was in place before they ever started any post grad work. People want to push a point, weather it's on IMDb or a Journal of Intellectual Bulldust.

A guy says he manages to film all over the place with his camcorder, without a problem. That's his experience. You won't change the reality of that experience by wishing for censorship of peoples words, based on their qualifications.

Lot's of highly intelligent people aren't educated (or even human). People can be gifted at all sorts of things without any formal qualification. Lot's of professors are barely functioning outside of their fields of study. Only within the cloistered walls of academia do they have any place at all. The Internet isn't like that.

People say whatever they want, whenever they want, about any subject they care to chime in on. Every word they type is absolute fact and everyone else is absolutely wrong. It's a binary world. From what you've said you thing you are an expert on something, and that others aren't. Then you dismiss their ideas.

That's closed mindedness, another form of thought Policing.

Scientologists love Narnia, there's plenty of closet space.


No one has stopped him from presenting his opinion. Is there anything else you want to make up to argue against?

By the way, the freedom to express an opinion also applies to people who tell you you're opinion is wrong.


Idiot, read the bit about North Korea. Yep, you're wrong.

Scientologists love Narnia, there's plenty of closet space.


Black & White is an artistic choice, it's ignorant to act like every film should be shot in color because you don't like black & white and think it's old.


Correct. One could just as easily argue that shooting in Black & White is no different than how so many movies/TV shows/video games are made with a slightly sepia tone, or a slightly green tone, or slightly grey, or so on. Those aren't criticized nearly as much, yet are essentially the same thing.


Apologies Randy I thought the IMDb message board was for expressing individual opinions about movies, etc., not for expressing disparaging remarks about the reviewer.....what ever rocks your boat I guess


Apologies Randy I thought the IMDb message board was for expressing individual opinions about movies, etc., not for expressing disparaging remarks about the reviewer.....what ever rocks your boat I guess

It is indeed sad that the internet has become a location for folks to express their hidden rage. To complete strangers. Oh, well....


I'm the opposite, black and white movies tend to draw me into the movie more. Frances Ha, Nebraska, and this movie were among my favorites of last year and the black and white was at least part of the reason why.

"I don't consider myself outside of anything. I just consider myself not around."


I agree! B/W gives a film such a different mood. Take Citizen Kane, for example. If that was filmed in color, something just would have been wrong. By the way, was Nebraska any good? I haven't seen it yet.

My Short Film:


Something else to add for the reason of B&W. As I was watching the movie I realized that Disneyland(world) appeared a lot creepier and uncomfortable in black and white. I feel like if there were lots of dazzling colors it would have been distracting and taken away from the purpose of the story, which was something mysterious and confusing.


Exactly. It's disturbing to witness something so ingrained in our heads in the wrong way. Buzz Lightyear in B&W looks very odd. The whole park is so colorful, and perky, and in B&W it feels wrong. There is not one bit of comfort in this film. It's creepy from the start because of the lack of color.

The only memories I have of the parks in B&W were from old Walt Disney videos where he is speaking about creating the parks. Seeing that Walt is very much dead and been redefined into a hateful bigot by today's society, adds to the unease.

The B&W choice was of course out of necessity to edit a film shot on multiple tourist style cameras, on multiple times of day, in different parks and in different weather. If this was made officially with Disney's permission, they would have more options, but Disney would never allow it. So it's done how it is.

I find it a kind of odd thing to be frustrated about it seeing that the trailer showed it to be in B&W and it's known that it was shot guerrilla style. Even Alfred Hitchcock knew that B&W was a good directing choice at times to unsettle the audience.

And I'm pretty sure most middle schoolers are aware that color video wasn't always available. They do take history classes and have probably seen old WWII footage among other videos in B&W, like To Kill a Mockingbird.


lol did that kid seriously just admit to owning a plasma tv..?

We're not here for a long time. We're here for a good time.



C'mon Sun, you KNOW you have watched Sin City multiple times on that 55", which is pretty much a B&W movie.


Sometimes it's for the artistry of the film as with The Human Centipede 2 or a couple James Franco movies. Sometimes you have to look for the art in movies rather than just the 'BAM in your face eyecandy'.
