In His Shoes....

There are alot of threads going around calling Felicity a hypocrite and calling her a bunch of names...

Here's the thing...

S1-S2 she was someone who was like the audience in a way... NORMAL and had good moral judgement.. Remember when Oliver tried to bullied her back in S1 and she stood up to him and let him know that he can be doing good for the city being a vigilante not just dropping bodies and crossing off names of the list. It was easy and NORMAL for her to lecture him and criticized him when he was making bad decisions... let's face it he made a lot of it, even Diggle gave him the side eye and a lecture a few time.

S3--- as time goes by she is beginning to see what's its like to be in Oliver's shoes.. when she was dating Ray--- she couldn't just tell him about her vigilante activities-- it's not something you can just tell a friend or lover-- how will they react to it? will they think it's cool? will they turn you over to the cops? or stop talking to you? So it's the first step of her walking in Oliver's shoes.

S4-- those of you who are constantly on about her breaking off the relationship with Oliver about the Lying... about the kid.... (Sigh) NEWSFLASH-- she is not the first nor will she be the last person on the planet to break off a relationship over lying especially about a child. (SIDENOTE) Anyone watch Downton Abbey? spoilers-- Bertie break things off with Edith regarding her illegitimate child because there's no trust-- if she had told him on her own-- he would have accepted the child even adopt the girl-he said so himself but he felt like she did not trust him so he can't trust her. Plus his position change he inherited a lot of money and a title-- he need to marry soneone he can trust. (Same thing with Felicity) ANYWAY!!! People forgot that we (the audience) were privvy to info about the child, the mom and the stupid ultimatum-- she was not. If we did not know the xtra info maybe we would not be too harsh? who am I kidding!! I digress...

Also if he had pull her aside and said that the mom and I talked and we both agreed that it's best to keep the kid away from my life until he is 18 because I want him safe and I'm going to do a video message for him. He would have included his future wife and mother of future children of his plan. We would have gotten a cute scene like we did end of S4 ep9 after the crossover when they cuddle on the couch, she would have confort him about loosing his son... but the writers put themselves in a corner.

Serious Q? is anyone EVER been in her shoes where your significant other lied about something as serious as a child or even an ex-spouse? did you just say ok no biggie let go have sex or where you seriously hurt?

S5- We the audience have never and hopefully never will make a decision like she had to-- killed thousands to saves millions-- you know who makes these decisions? KINGS, Queens, Presidents, Generals-- we dont know because we are safe and are on the internet bitching about an entertainment show.

So she started clean-- got a cute boyfriend who knows nothing about her past and the horrible choice that she made- and that choice is working side by side with her in the form of RORY. She really is now in Oliver's shoes-- about keeping info to themselves, keeping relationship separates-- and It makes her a big Hipocrite!!! now the writers are actually doing a good job showing what's like to be in Oliver's shoes for Felicity. She is no longer the ray of sunshine, she made mistakes, have blood on her hands and conscious and keeping info from people who cares about her. That's how a character grows-- she can't be the plucky girl, the moral judgment one. IT's good she is experiencing why people do what they do, the ptsd, the keeping people at arms lenght etc...

We all are hypocrite one way or another in our lives-- I will never do that or say that and then 2 or 5 yrs later we ended up doing the same thing we lecture people about. all the characters have gone thorugh a lot of trauma and have eveolve from how they were back in S1- Thea, Laurel, Quintin, Oliver and now Felicity. people are not liking the way her changes are happening-- it's happening in a ugly way from how we used to see her-- high morals and sometime judgy. but now it's happening to her

Sorry for the long rant-- I really like this season and making her walk in his shoes and for the audience to see that no she is not perfect and if there's a reunion then they both need to address all their problems and move forward.


Good points.
