
The best thing about Arrow is that it’s the only show where the main guy can show up to a machine gun fight with a bow and arrow and wln effortlessly. This is the ridiculous heightened reality that Arrow thrives in. In Arrow, Oliver Queen isn’t just a superhero, he’s an action hero. What makes it work is that Arrow got really good at being simultaneously ridiculous and gritty by the end of its first season and sustained it through seasons 2 and 3. Last season was a disappointment on most levels though. While it was clear Neal McDonough was having a blast playing Damien Dahrk, bringing magic and sorcery into Arrow was never a good idea. It’s never a good idea to take your action hero and not let him have any action. In the dull rabbithole of season 4, Arrow lost it’s sense of fun. Gone was the action hero aesthetic that the show had mastered, and in its place was a confused mess of a show uncertain what to do with itself. It was similar to watching your favorite sports team going through a rebuilding process and sucking for a season in order to make it happen. But “Legacy” sets the record straight, reminding us just how great this show can be when it’s focused, bringing Arrow back to its fist-fight roots while paving the way for a new direction: http://www.cutprintfilm.com/tv/tv-reviews/cw-dc-tv-sidekick-week-one-brave-new-worlds/


Interesting points.
