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Laurel's final words revealed in Nerdist recap

I think Nerdist might have posted this a little bit early because the article is not available anymore, but luckily, some folks made sure to save it. Anyways, according to their review for 5x01, these were Laurel's final words:

But unlike Oliver, Quentin was inspired to keep moving forward instead of going backwards, so he decided to help Oliver clean up the SCPD with a few officers that he trusts. And Oliver knew that Laurel would have wanted them to work together, so he agreed. We also got to see a flashback to Laurel's final moments in the hospital and the promise she made Oliver agree to before she died: "Please don't let me be the last Canary." She wanted Oliver to train a new Canary, and he actually agreed!

You can still acess the full review under the following adress, but be careful! It's very detailed:



You really think they'd go there? He swore up and down that Felicity would never be in a suit.

Evidence for: EBR is training like a mofo. Curtis is around to run tech when she isn't.

Evidence against: They swore she'd never wear a mask, they swore she'd stay tech, as I pointed out before ALL of them work out like mofos, because their bodies are part of their jobs.

Yeah, I dunno. I would think given that Felicity is going 'dark' that the thing she might do is actively kill someone, a la every other member of Team Arrow...



What, you mean that grave death that was meant to stick?

Do you mind if I have a piece of your thigh? It would complement this fine '76 chiraz



It's either what you suspect, or someone too young to worry the poor little cultists.

Time of death for Arrow - 11:59



If this is true, and taking into account a couple of other spoilers by Marky ("Laurel's last words will drive the season until the end", "Felicity will do something in the 2nd half of the season that she's never done before"), then I don't need to spell out where they are headed, do I? FFS.

logical fallacies:


If this true, then that is a huge let down. It would also make no sense for Oliver to agree to it, since after Laurel died he went straight into his "it's my fault anything bad has happened ever" mode.

Britta Perry: Anarchist Cat Owner


It would be a terrible idea to put felicity in a suit and make her another canary, especially as they said that would never happen. I would be incredibly disappointed and I suspect it would annoy a lot of fans, getting rid of laurel and dropping felicity in her place.


He outright said at the grave side that he didn't blame himself. It's in the dialogue.

"Never wrestle with a pig. You get filthy and besides, the pig likes it." Cyrus Ching



So let me get this straight. Laurel went from saying this, "I was gonna give up being the Black Canary, but I realized I didn't know how I could because going out there and fighting alongside you guys, it's what makes me feel alive inside..." to "Please don't let me be the last Canary." And the only reason she may have said such a fatalistic and contradictory thing is because, as she also said, "Anything can happen, which why I need you to promise me something." So she wanted Oliver to make that promise because she thought she could die at any moment, or because she was still going to give up being Black Canary, since she felt her duty was elsewhere (DA's office), even though she said she didn't know how and that it made her feel alive?

It seems contrived as hell. Words that sound more like the plot device they are (a catalyst for the newbies on the team and the arc/theme of Season 5) than anything organic or substantive for the character herself. If Laurel had said such a thing, you'd think that Oliver would have brought it up during the Black Canary copycat episode just as a way to process all of what had just happened. Also, if that was what Laurel wanted, and Evelyn Sharp was so inspired by the Black Canary, then why will she be going by Artemis instead of another Canary name? According to Laurel, she wanted someone to carry on the legacy, not for it to die with her as an engraving on her tombstone or a statue and nothing more.


She was there when Sara became White Canary. She knew that she wouldn't be the last Canary.
I swear Guggenheim makes D&D look good as Showrunners.

Ezra: I don't fear you
Vader: Then you will die braver than most.


Sara was the first Canary and Laurel took on that mantle(with very similar costume and the same sonic device) when Sara died. So in a way it makes sense that Laurel would want that same idea of the Black Canary protecting the city to live on after she died, it's not about the person it's about the idea.

Plus, in comics plenty of characters die and their super-hero name lives on. Oliver Queen is NOT the only Green Arrow in the comics for one, same as Barry Allen is not the only Flash, etc. So the passing on of the super-hero name is common.

Having said all of that, I really do not want another BC. If they still wanted to have a BC in the universe it should have been Laurel. Which is why I honestly don't see them bringing in another BC, I think (hope) that Laurel's comments simply spur Oliver to bring Sara back after this group of new vigilante's leave. Because if that quote is accurate, Laurel doesn't say "Please don't let me be the last BLACK Canary" she says "Please don't let me be the last Canary". And Sara is the White Canary now, traveling through time after dying, so maybe this is a way to bring Sara back from Legends? I'm probably way overthinking this one, but maybe leaving out the word "black" is significant.


I agree that the legacy aspect is an established part of the original mythos and of Arrow, so that part of it doesn't necessarily ring false. However, typically legacies aren't transferred at such a rapid rate, and it's the way in which it is done that feels like less of a tradition and more polishing the turd that is the constant use of this iconic character's legacy to create drama and drive plot for other characters.

It also feels wrong to ever have a Canary on the show in any significant capacity ever again, so either Laurel does return somehow or they do develop a new Canary, but that person's journey takes them away from Star City. I would have thought Evelyn would have been an obvious candidate in the aftermath of Laurel's death, but I don't believe the show followed that through, probably because these words of Laurel hadn't even been thought of until a few months ago. Sara returning the role would also be a possibility, but I'm afraid that yo-yo pattern isn't exactly appealing. It seems more likely to me that the show is going to go with honoring Laurel's wishes more in spirit than in specifics. Oliver will train other heroes and use Laurel's legacy (e.g. statue) as a source of inspiration.

In addition to the weirdness around the Canary legacy, I don't know why Laurel (and the show) would be focused on the Canary legacy in her carpe diem (sieze the day) moment of believing anything can happen, including her death, rather than her family. Her final words couldn't have also mentioned how much she loved her father and sister and how much she wanted Oliver to look out for them? Why wasn't Quentin there ever or even in her thoughts? It all just lends itself to the sense that these lines aren't about Laurel at all. They aren't about honoring her character or developing her. It's all about setting up a plot for the season. I hate that.


I agree with most everything you said actually, now we just have to wait and see what they really do. I'm holding out a little bit of hope given that KC has a role in one of the mid season episodes, so maybe this is just the first step to get us to what happens then.

I'm already unhappy that there is an ADA by day/vigilante by night character in S5 and it's not Laurel - that is the story we should have seen her in. So hopefully they don't bring in another BC so soon, or even Sara, I do agree with you about that.
