Moira Queen

So Moira queen (Sussana Thompson) is also confirmed for the 100th episode.

Arrow looks to be pulling out all guns for the 100th episode.Just the other day i saw some members posting that the show's so bad now that Sussana won't even be returning for the 100th episode.So there you go.



Or the script of that Arrow episode impressed her enough to warrant her presence.A little positivity regarding Arrow from your side won't hurt, you know


That might be asking too much...

"Never wrestle with a pig. You get filthy and besides, the pig likes it." Cyrus Ching


This show hasn't been good since Season 2, positivity isn't easy.


If the hate is so strong,you won't be able to notice anything remotely positive even if they dish out goo stuff like that last trailer.No show is perfect,heck even friends which i consider the greatest tv series ever had it's off season but it redeemed itself in season 8 again.Wish the same for Arrow in season 5


To be fair friends never released anything as bad as season 3 and 4 of Arrow


Stop being an idiot



Stop making up *beep*



That's because el0 is an idiot and makes stuff up


Moira being back is the best news I've heard about the 100th yet. By a country mile.



You still don't know why, so stop making stuff up
and the cw still pushed kc


Piss off you cancerous Olicity fan. Go plague a different show.


I am glad she is returning. No doubt Oliver reunites with earth 2 Moira and Robert. I had thought of this months back that they might do something like this for the 100th. I would be just as happy with flashbacks but I hope earth 2 is what they do.


Susanna Thompson was the best thing about the show. The show had nowhere to go but downhill after they not only killed off their best actress but the only good one.


If Susanna Thompson is coming back, thank Jesus! Playing catch-up on TNT. Loved Season 1. Season 2 a drop-off. Losing Colin Donnell (Tommy) hurt a lot. So glad to hear Laurel got killed off. She was the weakest link in Ssn 1 and worse in Ssn 2. Moira was best and classiest actor on show, next to Tommy and Oliver/Arrow. Amell does a nice layering of Oliver/Amell. Arrow has become my favorite comic book program. Just hoping it doesn't drop off any more than it did in Ssn 2.
