MovieChat Forums > Arrow (2012) Discussion > Who do you think is Promitheous

Who do you think is Promitheous

My bet is its one of the sons of the royal flush gang. WHY?

1. They were a direct result of Oliver''s actions in S1
2. They were in episode 1x6, "Legacies"
3 S5 theme is Legacy

I think Promithious is Teddy Reston



It may not even be a character we've seen on-screen. It could be something that happened off-screen that led to Prometheus.

We know it has something to do with Oliver being a killer though. Assuming that's the case and its based on something that happened on-screen, here are some of the notable kills of Oliver's from Season 1.

Constantine Drakon
Ted Gaynor
One of Bertinelli's men (the guy with Nick Salvadi)
The assassin from 'Dead to Rights' whom China White originally hired
The doctor who harvested Vertigo from the Count
Mr. Blank (the assassin from 'Home Invasion')

And there are probably a few more that slip my mind.

Of course it could be the loved one of a random mook or bodyguard.

Formerly sn939


In a new interview with Stephen he pointed out episode 5x6 as the episode where promithious identity teased
Could episode 6 be a coincidence its 1x6


Felicity's step-father

Do you mind if I have a piece of your thigh? It would complement this fine '76 chiraz



Prometheus wants to kill the Green Arrow? Is it Marc Guggenheim?

The foundation of your life is luck. Hard work and talent make up the difference.


I hope it's a relative of Constantine Drakons who he killed in the first episode. It was such a waste of a great vilian and if they had planned a vilian like that since episode one it would be fantastic. It would fit into the theme of the show, Oliver trained for 5 years, he would have trained for 5 years. They could have flashbacks of him training as well. He would be the perfect choice in my opinion.



Donna Smoak


"Prometheus" Learn to spell, troll!
