OT: Gotham

Arrow is a masterpiece next to Gotham now days


I don't get all the hate Gotham gets. I still enjoy it, while I've dropped Arrow.

Don't you lay a hand on my Sasquatch!


It is very campy, Yesterday i was watching with my boyfriend and when the police is like freeze and mooney and all the "Monsters" had their hands up and then suddenly everyone start running we both went WTF and laugh at the same time it has some very weird decisions when it comes to the script, Also why would Ivy kill that guy using the pot of a plant with a plant in it and the reason she killed him was because he wanted to throw a plant away, Then after she killed him she just left the plant in the floor to die was stupid too


When did camp become a dirty word? Camp is a style, not an insult. Yes I realize it doesn't appeal to everyone, but that doesn't mean it can be used in a derogatory sense.

As to the monsters odd behavior you have to realize they are irrational and acting oddly is normal. Not to mention it can disorient and confuse, allowing them to escape.

Ivy has undergone a serious trauma so her actions will be erratic and contrary.

I think people are thinking these characters are normal and will act as such. But they're not normal and shouldn't be expected to act normally.

Don't you lay a hand on my Sasquatch!


I actually love campy movies or shows when they were concived to be one, Like there is a movie called final girls, Is very campy but i loved it, But season 1 gotham was not concived to be campy and i am not even sure they want to be now, But it does come like campy, Is like if sudenly game of thrones started to be campy i would hate it, Just like if suddenly lets say a campy show start to be all serious i would hate it too or i would find it awkward


Shows evolve. I think Gotham is over the top and melodramatic but I never thought of it as campy.

I think it started as a serious police procedural but soon embraced its comic roots by bringing in costumed villains and super powers. But I always expected them to do that since this show is about how Gotham City became the city that needs to be protected by a guy dressed as a giant bat. I just wasn't expecting it to happen so soon.

Don't you lay a hand on my Sasquatch!


I think it started as a serious police procedural but soon embraced its comic roots by bringing in costumed villains and super powers.



Wow cdull. Great post, with intelligent explanations--and I think it's the longest post I've ever seen from you.

Good job, man!

Because supporting your thesis is tough, but throwing adjectives is easy.


Thanks ninth! I usually don't have much to say, but when I do it's usually because I feel passionately that something needs to be said.

Don't you lay a hand on my Sasquatch!


When did camp become a dirty word?

I believe it had something to do with band.

Fate deals the cards, but we have to play them. I demand a reshuffle.



I'm seriously drawing a blank here. Sorry.

Don't you lay a hand on my Sasquatch!


Band camp. It happened there.

Fate deals the cards, but we have to play them. I demand a reshuffle.


Oh. I see. Gee I can't believe that went right over my head. Sorry about missing your joke.

Don't you lay a hand on my Sasquatch!


When did camp become a dirty word? Camp is a style, not an insult. Yes I realize it doesn't appeal to everyone, but that doesn't mean it can be used in a derogatory sense.

Well said. I like camp too but sadly it has become a style that I have noticed a lot of people mock when they are talking about movies and everything has to be dark, realistic and serious for them to like the movie. ξ€² I think Season 2 of Gotham was good and while I was disappointed with some of the changes they have made to the characters like Ivy who was supposed to be Dr. Pamela Isley and a environmental activist who was best friends with Barbara Gordon before exposure to dangerous chemicals transformed her into Poison Ivy I am looking forward to seeing what they do with her and other characters and I am happy we are finally getting to see some Batman characters that have never appeared on screen before.


It don't matter if it's raining
Nothing can phase me
I make my own sunshine
And if you think you can break me
Baby, you're crazy
I make my own sunshine


Well I wasn't too disappointed in Gotham's Ivy. I mean, she was still a kid. There was still time to go to college and change her name. Aging her is an interesting choice. I wonder why the decided to go that route?

Now this might sound stupid but when you say Barbara Gordon do you mean Jim's wife or his daughter? I'm guessing daughter because they're similar in age but you can never be too sure. And I didn't know Dr. Isely was friends with her. Neat.

I am loving the appearances on Gotham. Especially favorites like Hugo Strange who I love on this show! And their take on Azrael was really cool. Especially that moment when Bruce was watching him in action and you could see he was being influenced.

Don't you lay a hand on my Sasquatch!


Aging her is an interesting choice. I wonder why the decided to go that route?

I’m not sure about that. It was a weird decision especially when they chose not to age the rest of the rest of the characters in the show but I think there will come a point in Gotham where they age all of them and the actor who plays the Penguin will be replaced with somebody fatter and balder or they will make him wear a bald cap, put stuffing under his clothes and use a voice box so his voice comes out deeper when he is talking. The actor they are using now looks nothing like the Penguin we have seen in most versions of Batman and I am hoping they make him more like the Penguin we see in the Arkham games near the end and have Candy and Tracey join him on his boat.

Now this might sound stupid but when you say Barbara Gordon do you mean Jim's wife or his daughter? I'm guessing daughter because they're similar in age but you can never be too sure. And I didn't know Dr. Isely was friends with her. Neat.

I mean Barbara Gordon as in Batgirl. In a number of versions of Batman, Batgirl and the Birds of Prey comic books Barbara and Pamela were best friends that went to school together. Pamela Isley was a devoted environmental activist who was always getting into trouble with Barbara’s Dad (Jim Gordon) for her protest demonstrations and Barbara did some things with her and Jim didn’t want Barbara to be friends with her anymore β€˜cause he thought she was a bad influence on her. Both of them used to call each other Red β€˜cause of their red hair and when Barbara became Batgirl and Pamela become Poison Ivy which was around the same time when Poison Ivy first saw her she called her Red β€˜cause she knew Barbara was Batgirl from recognising her voice.

If we get a Birds of Prey movie I am hoping they make Poison Ivy the main villain and acknowledge Barbara and Pamela were best friends when they were younger.


It don't matter if it's raining
Nothing can phase me
I make my own sunshine
And if you think you can break me
Baby, you're crazy
I make my own sunshine


The more I talk to you the more I realize I need to read more Batman and Bat-related books.

There are so many things about this character and his world that I just do not know.

Don't you lay a hand on my Sasquatch!


Yes. You should when you have some free time.πŸ˜ƒ

I have read lots of Batman graphic novels and comic books over the years along with Batgirl, Birds of Prey, Batwoman, Nightwing, Catwoman, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy and Teen Titans and my favourites have always been the ones with his spinoff characters like Batgirl, Nightwing, Red Robin, the Spoiler, Orphan/Black Bat, Batwoman, Hawkfire, Bluebird, the Red Hood and Catwoman so I know quite a lot about all of them and I think Batman has the best spinoff characters out of all the superheroes in DC and other comic book companies and I don’t think there have been another superhero that has had so many characters spinoff into their own comic book series. I mean even Red Robin and Anarky had their own comic book series at one point and DC have said they have plans for a Spoiler series in the future. Spider-Man had the Punisher, Spider Woman, Silk, Spider Gwen and the Prowler spinoff into their own comic series, Superman had two Supergirls and Superboy and Witchblade had Aphrodite X and the Darkness but nothing like Batman and I think that is because a big part of Batman’s success over the past 75 + years has been because of those characters.


It don't matter if it's raining
Nothing can phase me
I make my own sunshine
And if you think you can break me
Baby, you're crazy
I make my own sunshine


[snip]...I think that is because a big part of Batman’s success over the past 75 + years has been because of those characters.

As much the characters themselves, as the interactions between them (and with Bats). Pretty much every member of the extended Bat-family has something interesting going on, and their personalities and stories play well off one another.

While Batman would easily stand on his own, and achieve mythical levels of badassery, The "spin off" characters (and Alfred) elevate him to a whole different level.

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Gotham is inconsistent and campy but Arrow worse than crap at the moment.



Hey man, Gotham is my biggest guilty pleasure along with Zoo right now; I'm watching it to see if it can get any more ridiculous.



Zoo has moved on from magazines and got its own program? Huh. Which channel was that? πŸ˜‰

Fate deals the cards, but we have to play them. I demand a reshuffle.


As I have mentioned before, the only reason I watch Gotham is because some of the characters I like. Bruce, Alfred, Catwoman, Penguin, Nygma and perhaps the new Ivy are quality. The rest is mediocre to garbage.


The pilot was a bit weird ie. Butch acting like a high-school ex among other things, cant remember it all right now.

I really wish the reporter and Gordon hadn't hooked up. Poison Ivy is an interesting angle, hope they follow through. Still need to see Carmine Jr.

But no Arrow is worse. Arrow and masterpiece shouldnt be used in the same sentence, let alone describing it as that

Do you mind if I have a piece of your thigh? It would complement this fine '76 chiraz


I think Jim exudes pheromones that makes all women want him.

That's the only reason I can come up with for the reporter falling for him out of nowhere.

Don't you lay a hand on my Sasquatch!


it's the sex pantherπŸ˜€

Do you mind if I have a piece of your thigh? It would complement this fine '76 chiraz


Yes! I love that movie! I have to see that movie again! Luckily TCM showed it as part of their month long salute to slapstick comedies. DVR'd that along with Top Secret!

I think Jim needs to use this line on Barbara:


Don't you lay a hand on my Sasquatch!



Do you mind if I have a piece of your thigh? It would complement this fine '76 chiraz


Guys, you compare Arrow and Gotham and discuss which one is worse. If you like series based on superheroes, take a look at Daredevil season 1 and I'm sure you will enjoy it (season 2 is way more worse though)

Cool movie music http://audiosparx.com/MartinaSver


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