MovieChat Forums > Arrow (2012) Discussion > It needs to go back to being a vigilante...

It needs to go back to being a vigilante show.

Everyone knows who he is now. Then what's the point of wearing the costume. It needs to take lessons from daredevil or Luke cage and follow that tone. I know it's cw so it will have a young fan base in mind but it needs to go back to being a action vigilante show. And no more flash crossover episodes please. Thanks.


No, and cut the crossovers



Agreed, but id prefer oliver and roy


Watching season 1 reruns on TNT. I miss when this show use to be good. It's a stark contrast to the clusterfudge it is now.


No kidding. Watching season 1 again makes me miss how good the show was.

If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink now.-Loki (Marvel's Avengers)


What gave you the idea that 'everyone' knows his identity? Most of Star City doesn't. Ditto with Central City. National City certainly doesn't know...

And if you don't think there's been action in S4, you weren't paying attention. If anything, the complaint has been that they split the action 4 ways and suffered because of it.

"Never wrestle with a pig. You get filthy and besides, the pig likes it." Cyrus Ching


I dont' think the OP even watch any episode It just a fake fan with fake lies. LUke Cage the entire Halem community and elements of NYPD know who he is......poor trolling attempt


What gave you the idea that 'everyone' knows his identity?

It probably feels that way because all of the characters we've come to know, and the show has focused on, knows his identity. It feels like "everyone" knows his identity because the show is restricted to a group characters that we see all the time.

Dammit, I think this came out wrong.

I have EXORCISED the demon


No, you got it right. Anyone who's been in Oliver's inner circle knows his secret. Those who aren't (most of Star City) don't.

"Never wrestle with a pig. You get filthy and besides, the pig likes it." Cyrus Ching


What are you talking about? His identity isn't known to the public. Take from Daredevil and Luke Cage? Why not take from themselves when Daredevil essentially copied Arrows tone.


When did Daredevil copy Arrow's tone? I don't recall DD being funny, cheesy and silly! It's the complete opposite of Arrow, it's very dark, dramatic and serious! Did you even watch DD?


No. Just no. The show is going back to having a realistic tone in Season 5 so a one vigilante show wouldn't work and even back in the first season Arrow was never a one vigilante show and he had Diggle and Felicity help him on missions. If the Green Arrow had superpowers it might work but the character alone is simply just not big enough of a draw which is why characters like Felicity, Donna and Curtis got more screen time last season.


It don't matter if it's raining
Nothing can phase me
I make my own sunshine
And if you think you can break me
Baby, you're crazy
I make my own sunshine



"Never wrestle with a pig. You get filthy and besides, the pig likes it." Cyrus Ching


I also think that maybe the public figures it out about GA's identity. Oliver puts a statue of Laurel as BC. That's a good connection.



Or they just see a friend honouring the sacrifice of another friend.


Or the action of a thoughtful mayor. Who knew her personally in life. As documented in tabloids pre-island.

"Never wrestle with a pig. You get filthy and besides, the pig likes it." Cyrus Ching


Let's just admit that the writers are conflicted and they don't know what the hell they are doing! Never seen such a sloppy writing in my life!



I don't want to spoil but in the new pics from 5x02, it is also obvious, who the GA is, for the people who know Oliver Queen's love life ;). Too many of Oliver Queen's ex girlfriends are connected to GA :D :D :D


It's too late the show is pretty much unfix-able at this point in my opinion.
