MovieChat Forums > Arrow (2012) Discussion > Top Ten Most Evil DC CW Verse Villains.

Top Ten Most Evil DC CW Verse Villains.

I post this over on the Flash board and curious to what people say here.

I have this categorized by how many people they've killed, the things they've done, or done to their enemy hero.

1. Hunter Zolomon (Zoom): Was a serial killer even before he had super powers, no idea how many people he killed then. When he got his powers he conquered an entire planet, killing any opposed him. He enslaved people that he did not want dead yet. He killed Barry's father in the same spot where Reverse Flash killed Barry's mother.

2. Vandal Savage: (An immortal who conquered an entire world. Enslaved people to work for him. Who knows how many people he killed during his lifetime to achieve his power.)

3. Malcom Merlyn (Dark Archer) (Season One): Killed a crap ton of people with his plan to wipe out the glades. Also responsible for his own son's death. Poisoned Thea Queen into making her kill Sara Lance.

4. Slade Wilson (Deathstroke): Had a mass army of Mirakuru soldiers take on all of Star City, who knows how many people they killed. Slade also killed many, including Oliver's mother.

5. Damien Darhk: Nearly brought an end to the world. Wanted to create his own world, yet destroy millions of lives to do so. Destroyed a small town with a nuclear missile. Killed Laurel Lance.

6. Ra's Al Ghul: Been in charge of the League of Assassin's for centuries. They have a lot of blood on their hands, along with creating a lot of wars. Ra's also nearly killed Oliver Queen on top of a mountain.

7. Mark Mardon (Weather Wizard): Killed a bunch of police officers at Central City police station. Tortured Joe West, almost brought an end to Central City by wiping it out with a Tidal Wave.

8. Eobard Thawne (Reverse Flash): Killed several meta humans to study their powers. Killed Nora Allen in retaliation of not being able to kill Barry Allen. Had no plan of destruction, simply wanted to return to his own time.

9. James Jesse (Trickster): Before he was arrested killed thousands as he terrorized Central City. Worked up a plan to be freed from prison, tried to poison a bunch of Central Cities wealthiest drinks for their money. Later teamed teamed up with Weather Wizard and Leonard Snart to try and kill the Flash.

10.Leonard Snart (Captain Cold) (Before LOT): Originally a thief that stole lots of money. Snart also killed people who turned him against him, or wanted out of their mission. Learned the secret of The Flash's true identity, something no other villain has managed to accomplish.

Note: I only did villains from the Flash, Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow. I didn't include any from Supergirl or Constantine.

Let's hear you top ten!


1) Zoom-murdered because he liked it and tried to destroy the multiverse just because

2) Vandal Savage-conquered the world and murdered hundreds to thousands himself while his armies murdered so many more. Pretty sadistic, too.

3) Ra's al Ghul-was willing to kill an entire city just to take out one guy he didn't like.

4) Malcolm Merlin-wanted to kill half the city because his wife was murdered. Constantly manipulates others and puts them in danger to save himself. His honor and love of Thea slightly keeps him on a lighter side.

5) Edward Fyers and his camp-tortured and murdered because there was nothing else to do on he island while they shot down planes to kill one lady.

6) Reverse Flash-murdered countless people just so he could make the man he hates suffer and to get back to his own time. His sympathy and willingness to help his enemies, even if to only advance his own cause, redeems him a little.

7) Damien Darhk and his wife-murdered thousands and planned to murder billions to cleanse the world. His honor, truthfulness, and sympathy redeem him a little. He and his wife would be higher up but Damien genuinely believed he was helping the world. (At least I think, I've been trying to forget Season 4.)

8) Count Vertigo (the first)-drug dealing murderer who was about 900% psychotic.

9) Deathstroke-this is DEATHSTROKE, not Slade Wilson. After the Mirikuru fugged him up mentally, he went full psycho, trying to kill everyone in the city for revenge on one guy who really wasn't at fault.

10) Sebastian Blood-murdered his father, teamed with Slade to cause havoc so that he could step in and be the hero. His change of heart redeems him slightly, but he still makes the list because his betrayal only happened because he wasn't getting what he wanted.
