MovieChat Forums > Arrow (2012) Discussion > Total nitcpick but...

Total nitcpick but...

How could Malcolm have had a voicemail of his wife? If she was killed when Tommy was a kid would that make it from the early 90s? Did he have it on a giant Zack Morris cell phone and just transfer it over again and again over the years?

I generally hate when people bring up this sort of thing but this one struck me on my current rewatch.

Cable companies need to adapt to today's market or get passed over.


That's the least of it. The entire scene we saw in Malcolm's flashbacks contradict what he said happened in Season 1.

Ezra: I don't fear you
Vader: Then you will die braver than most.


You're right! He said he was at work and she called him and he got annoyed. Continuity fail.

Cable companies need to adapt to today's market or get passed over.


Brother (or sister) it's not even the worst continuity f-up they had that season. They mangled the ever loving hell out of the Diggle backstory timeline.

Ezra: I don't fear you
Vader: Then you will die braver than most.



2005: Andy and John Diggle work with Shadowspire, Andy secretly joins up and is involved in their drug operation.

2008: John Diggle, Lyla Michaels and Ted Gaynor carry out a mission in Afghanistan

2009: Deadshot assassinates Andy. He confesses to this confirming it later.

2010: John and a living Andy work Tommy Merlyn’s party as security.

2015: John tells Andy, recently revealed to have not been dead at all that he let his family think he was dead for 8 years, making his death occur in 2007.

Okay. Retcon the dates, let's pretend that's not retarded for a second. Why would a ranking member of a Shadowspire who's making serious money in the middle east as a drug lord return to America to work bs gigs as a bodyguard, and do it long enough to get his brother a job too.
That whole storyline was just awful.

Ezra: I don't fear you
Vader: Then you will die braver than most.


It's like they don't even watch their own show.



Actually, in the nineties it could've been an answering machine. They had these little cassettes. He could've transferred it to voicemail somehow.

