MovieChat Forums > Arrow (2012) Discussion > O.T. French article about Luke Cage, ver...

O.T. French article about Luke Cage, very positive...,146386.php

⚜ Lance is a Saint ⚜⚜



I liked him in Jessica Jones, I'll try it, for sure !

⚜ Lance is a Saint ⚜⚜


Hate to disagree, Jay, but I found Jessica Jones very boring. Watched half the show and couldn't be bothered finishing it till a few weeks ago. Even at that, I was forcing myself to give up the time for it.

I think they could have told the same story in about four episodes.

At least they had a satisfying and well-written ending.

Because supporting your thesis is tough, but throwing adjectives is easy.


I'm like you : I watched it till just at David Tennant's entry unfortunately. Never felt any sympathy for the heroine and in those cases, I'm done. 😞 I tried hard because of the good things I had read, but it just didn't work for me.

⚜ Lance is a Saint ⚜⚜



And speaking of Luke Cage (since it is this thread, after all)--one of the bright spots of the show. He's a bit different in his series (which I am liking quite a bit), though the pacing is pretty slow there, too). So it wasn't just that JJ's pacing was slow.

Because supporting your thesis is tough, but throwing adjectives is easy.



I also feel like the show is trying to be somewhat political, and knowing how the people of this board feel about politics, or shows with political agenda's I can't wait to see their reaction to it.

No more that it needed to be. The "political" aspects made sense in context and were not tacked on as an afterthought (or, worse yet, being the main course with the story being tacked on).

Just finished watching the last episode. The show is not flawless, but pretty damn close to it.

You're suffering from delusions of adequacy.


No more that it needed to be. The "political" aspects made sense in context and were not tacked on as an afterthought (or, worse yet, being the main course with the story being tacked on).

I feel the same way. The political aspect mainly functions as the backdrop to the overall action, and it does make sense in the context. I also think it's worth to note that the main "bad guys" in "Luke Cage" are not some cliché white slumlords, but the black gangster Cottonmouth and his hypocritical/debased politician cousin Mariah (at least in the eps I've watched so far!). There are scenes where the social/political message is somewhat in your face, but there are also some pretty understated and subtle scenes which deal with the underlying themes of the show. For example, the reference to Ralph Ellison's "Invisible Man", and the scene where Cage and Pops discuss some prominent (and IMHO really good) "hard boiled" crime fiction writers, like Walter Mosley, Dennis Lehane and George Pelecanos. The general setting and subject matter of these authors' novels are close to the setting/subject matter of the show itself: they're set in in a working class/slum environment (Irish blue collar in Lehane's novels and urban Black in Pelecanos'/Mosley's), and their heroes have many similarities with Luke Cage. I can understand if some viewers feel that this stuff is somewhat extraneous, but I always appreciate a show that name drops writers and artists that I like!




I have not watched it yet, but one thing I'm sure of is that I'm going to love Cottonmouth as well. I have seen the guy who plays him - Mahershala Ali - in Treme, Alcatraz and House of cards and noticed his great presence and subtle acting immediately. So... Very good news you are bringing me here ! Cannot wait !

⚜ Lance is a Saint ⚜⚜



👍Im really looking forward to this show. I was hesitant at first but now im all in

Do you mind if I have a piece of your thigh? It would complement this fine '76 chiraz


Yeah, I really loved this character in Jessica Jones. Her pushing him away was upsetting.

I expect them to pay us back now!

Because supporting your thesis is tough, but throwing adjectives is easy.


I just binge-watched the first six episodes, and I'm loving it! The soundtrack alone is pure heaven. It's really nice to see my fave Claire Temple as a connecting link between the Marvel superhero series. It's also kind of funny how so many of the women seem to lust for Luke Cage (not that I don't understand them, the guy is a hottie!😉)


I just binge-watched the first six episodes, and I'm loving it! The soundtrack alone is pure heaven. It's really nice to see my fave Claire Temple as a connecting link between the Marvel superhero series.

Nothing more to add here. It's another hit for the Defenders line.

It's also kind of funny how so many of the women seem to lust for Luke Cage (not that I don't understand them, the guy is a hottie! 😉)

If I was into guys, I'd be lusting after him too.

You're suffering from delusions of adequacy.
