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Interesting insights into the convention circuit, ft. Stephen Amell


Thanks for posting, karen!

I figured it was lucrative, but man. In a nutshell, THAT's why actors take these roles. Built in fanbase, possible convention circuit.

And Amell really is a pretty smart businessman.

One more thing: Grant Gustin and EBR's anxiety sure look like they're real, if they're turning down that kind of potential cash on the regular. Wow.


Every time people suggest the DCTV actors do it because they love their fans i am gonna present this lovely article to them.
This is something that was obvious from a mile away but people still claimed actors only do it for the fans when its easy money for them. And this should clear any doubts why actors do this cons even when they are no longer a part of the show. Its not a secret sign that they are returning to the show, but that they enjoy easy money. It was pretty evident when majority did not even bother to show up to the charity con in Orlando.


Amell did. He also put a set visit on eBay.


He and David Ramsey did. John Barrowman canceled due to his husband having a surgery. But there are loads of Arrow/Flash people doing every single HVFF but they were absently missing for the charity con.


Well, it was put together pretty quickly, but I see your point.

I give Grant Gustin and EBR a pass because they don't do 'em, period. :)


Not 'above money', but I'd for sure believe her anxiety (and Grant GUstin's) are a real thing. That's a whole lotta extra dough for relatively easy work.


Good heavens, think about it.

How many times has her life been threatened by some wackjob fan? The number would have to be four digits large, I would guess?

Who would expect her to want to go into a crowd?

Because supporting your thesis is tough, but throwing adjectives is easy.


Good heavens, think about it.

How many times has her life been threatened by some wackjob fan? The number would have to be four digits large, I would guess?

Who would expect her to want to go into a crowd?

There are certainly wackjobs out there. A while ago I read a very nice report from a convention volunteer who had spent a weekend working with Katie Cassidy, and she wrote that Katie had a bodyguard following her everywhere because of a stalker problem.


I thought this was common knowledge
Yes it's money

It would be upsetting if someone like KC who gets booked every other con, and cancels last minute still gets payed that would be wrong

I don't have any problem with this, other than you have to have lots of money to go to a con lol


Also idk what your stupid agenda was for posting this


I've never understood why anyone would say the actors do it 'for the love of the fans'. That's ridiculous - I love my job, but I wouldn't give precious weekends to do it for free. Why should I?

Anyone who has been to a con is aware that the guests make a fortune. It doesn't make it any less fun.

Amell is pretty entrepreneurial, but he also does a lot for charity and when he's at those events, he makes an effort to make sure people have a good experience. I don't begrudge him making the most of the opportunities available.

The guests who regularly appear at all the other cons but were conspicuously absent from the charity event however should have a think about how that makes them look.


I think, if the actor/acress has fun doing it, you can tell, if its just an assembly line for the fans, then they don't want to be their, if the conversation with fans, then there is some level of enjoyment
Like i said i don't have a problem with any of it, it's a job


I've never understood why anyone would say the actors do it 'for the love of the fans'. That's ridiculous - I love my job, but I wouldn't give precious weekends to do it for free. Why should I?

Anyone who has been to a con is aware that the guests make a fortune. It doesn't make it any less fun.

I'm with you on this. Conventions are a business, and probably a means to get by for many older genre actors, who might not drown in lucrative acting gigs. Stephen and the other CW actors work twelve-hour shifts five days a week. Appearing at a conventions means that they have to sacrifice a weekend that they could have spent at home with their families/significant others/friends, so why shouldn't they make some money from it?

However, I also think it's a source of personal satisfaction to talk about your character/show and meet fans who really appreciate your work, otherwise I don't believe that actors would have the stamina to spend long hours at these conventions. Other actors, like EBR or Grant Gustin prefer to do something less stressful in their free time, and that's OK as well.

My impression is that Stephen Amell loves interacting with his fans (otherwise he wouldn't do the FB videos or engage in all his various FB projects). Furthermore, he is promoting the show in a way that goes far beyond what could be expected of an actor (especially someone with a wife and a small child). So, I don't begrudge him the extra dollars he makes from conventions and other projects.


My impression is that Stephen Amell loves interacting with his fans (otherwise he wouldn't do the FB videos or engage in all his various FB projects). Furthermore, he is promoting the show in a way that goes far beyond what could be expected of an actor (especially someone with a wife and a small child). So, I don't begrudge him the extra dollars he makes from conventions and other projects.

He prefers chasing money to spending weekends with his small child and wife, who he barely sees a year?

Quality man.


He prefers chasing money to spending weekends with his small child and wife, who he barely sees a year?

Quality man.

Judging by his social media, Stephen spends quite a lot of time with his daughter, probably more than many men with a less demanding work schedule. I don't think it's necessary to believe that any of the "Arrow" actors are in any way perfect human beings. On the other hand, I haven't seen anything that would suggest that SA isn't a "quality man" when it comes to his commitment to his family.


He works hard, including weekends at cons, in part to support his family, and provide them with a pretty comfortable life by the looks of things. He's talked in the past about finding the balance between time spent away from them, and the desire to work hard to provide for them.

And besides, they often join him in traveling to the cons themselves and he has time off in the week often - he doesn't work a 9-5 Monday - Friday job.


Cons are a old age pension for a lot of actors who are no longer being hired for acting parts.

Reputedly Angelique Pettyjohn from Star Trek, Gamesters of the Triskelion, was able to stop doing porn when she started doing cons in the late 80s.

kullagulla-84456 wrote:

I'm with you on this. Conventions are a business, and probably a means to get by for many older genre actors, who might not drown in lucrative acting gigs.


Cons are a old age pension for a lot of actors who are no longer being hired for acting parts.

Chyler Leigh's brother Chris makes a living out of it .

He was in Power Rangers in Space


Agreed. But since they are making so much cash from it, it does highlight why fans may feel entitled to a good experience - and why actors who don't provide it - e.g. actors who aren't engaging, who aren't friendly, who are late, or rude - shouldn't be invited back and shouldn't be given a pass by fans.


Absolutely - I'm sure they wouldn't do them if they didn't enjoy them because eventually no amount of money is worth the time away from friends and family on precious time off if you really don't enjoy the experience.


Amell is pretty entrepreneurial, but he also does a lot for charity and when he's at those events, he makes an effort to make sure people have a good experience.

He ask fans do donate to charity, its not out of his pocket


Yeah, they donate by buying t-shirts he's SELLING. All proceeds go to the cause in question.

"Never wrestle with a pig. You get filthy and besides, the pig likes it." Cyrus Ching


He ask fans do donate to charity, its not out of his pocket

So during your high school Social Studies classes, no one ever mentioned the term "opportunity cost" to you?

Please remind us of this fact the next time you comment on a thread about pay and income, so we'll know where you're coming from.

Because supporting your thesis is tough, but throwing adjectives is easy.


Pretty insightful read, but not too surprising. I've been to a few cons and have helped run autograph lines before. I remember one in particular where Norman Reedus started signing autographs at noon and ended up staying well past close to finish signing for every single person that had come to see him. His line wrapped around the convention at all times, I can't even describe it. Each autograph was $75 a pop, he made a killing.

People mentioned Grant Gustin turning down con appearences, Grant has been pretty candid about the fact that he doesn't like being out in public and doesn't care for signing autographs. A better example would be Tom Welling from Smallville. He's turned down every single con appearence he's been offered with the exception of when the studio forced him to go to promote the final season of the show, he refuses to do them. He's even refused to sign for every trading card set associated with the show for the past decade (you'd be shocked to hear how much money they pass up when they turn down signing official cards.) Some people just don't like the fame.



I'm bumping this thread, because I just heard Stephen Amell say some pretty harsh words about the convention article on his FB live chat (it's right in the beginning):

Stephen, who seldom rages (even when commenting on "fans" insulting on his wife/marriage on his own FB page!) seemed pretty riled up about the "comical inaccuracies" in the article. So, I guess we should take the info with a pinch of salt.


Yeah, I can see why he's p!ssed off with the article. They did make him sound pretty mercenary. And they used a photo from a charity event for the headline picture, and didn't mention anywhere in the article that it was a charity event, which was only 2 weeks ago - so still very relevant.

I can understand why it would be annoying to talk to a journalist for an hour and then have them construct an article in a misleading light with your face and name all over it. Feels disingenuous.

As for Amell asking fans to donate money for good causes, I don't see why that's a bad thing, or less valuable than him donating his own money? I'm sure he does donate to charities personally too, but by mobilising and creating means for his fans to also donate, he raises awareness to a larger group of people, enables more people to get involved and ultimately raises more money. He's about to launch his annual F-Cancer campaign, which to date has raised a million dollars. His charity endeavours have largely been impressive and positive.


So, I guess we should take the info with a pinch of salt.

Yeah, I know you're eager for reasons to hate on the show and the main actor, but you appear to have jumped the gun a tad.

"Never wrestle with a pig. You get filthy and besides, the pig likes it." Cyrus Ching


I don't remember ever seeing kulla "eager for reasons to hate on the show and the main actor".

Because supporting your thesis is tough, but throwing adjectives is easy.


She tends to post things that can be seen, in some way, to reflect negatively on Arrow. Not all of them do, but enough that after a while you can see a pattern.

"Never wrestle with a pig. You get filthy and besides, the pig likes it." Cyrus Ching


...easier for some people, I guess...

You're suffering from delusions of adequacy.
