MovieChat Forums > Arrow (2012) Discussion > Who should be the villain for the final ...

Who should be the villain for the final season?

With the ratings pretty bad for this season, I think it's safe to say Arrow will be ending in it's 7th or 8th season, which also is plenty long enough for the show to last. So, who should be the final villain? I think it should be someone absolutely epic and Oliver's greatest challenge ever, but the problem is I think they've already used villains who could fill that role. The writers were too impatient and wanted to use their biggest and best villains as soon as possible.

Deathstroke could have been an incredible final villain, but they used him in season 2, and now he and Oliver are on good terms again. Imagine if they had built Deathtroke up and had Slade as a regular for 6 or 7 seasons. It'd be amazing to see him be the final big bad. But they basically went, "Ohhh everyone liked Slade in season 1, let's rush him into a villain for season 2!!".

Ras al Ghul is another who could have been a great final villain. But they completely wasted him season 3, and he's probably the worst villain they've had because he was so boring. Like Slade, they could have built him for a few seasons, had clashes between the League and Oliver, and then have probably the most famous villain they could get as the final big bad. But instead they went, "Ohhh, Ras is popular because of Batman Begins and he's the most famous, let's use him now!!!".

So who do people think should be the final villain? Is there anyone we haven't seen yet that could be a great man villain for the last season?


I’m sorry to say that it looks like we’re stuck with the odious, overacting twerp Diaz.


I don't think he's going to be a main villain again. There will probably be a multiple episode arc devoted to the team bringing him down for good, but that's it. Apparently the mentioned Longbow Hunters will be the main villains for season 7. I know absolutely nothing about them so we'll have to wait and see if they could potentially be good final villains.


Yes, I was wondering about the absent Longbow archers, “who are feared even by The League [of Shadows],”
but I think that we can all agree that the next season is the final season.


I think it should be someone with powers that would involve a 4 part cross over again with actual DC superheroes.
Like Thanos in the Marvel storyline.


They just announced the Monitor for the crossover. Will that do?
But no mention of this being the Crisis though.


That sounds like a very interesting villain.
