It was ok.

Just watched it for the first time last night. I feel like it wasn't quite sure what it wanted to be. A full out Adam Sandler style comedy or a just a cute independent women adventure. The overall idea of the plot was fun. Being a little older and haven't actually experienced the betrayal of a guy I respected and loved really helped me appreciate what the characters were going through. I think the only part of the movie I just hated was Kate...specifically in the beginning. I just didn't 'get' her. She was annoying AF and even I thought to myself 'I completely get why he's cheating on her...I would too...' And then her obnoxious stalkery, clingy behavior with Cameron's character was just too much. the scene where Cameron is trying to get her into the car while she was drunk was just pointless and didn't fit the overall feel of the movie. It's stuff like this that makes people think women aren't funny. Because it was just dumb.

Once the movie settled down and became more of an internal struggle with what to do as a woman in this situation, it became MUCH better. I wish there were more discussions between Cameron and Kate's brother and that moment where Kate is about to go into the bank was wonderful.

Overall, it's worth a watch. Try and get passed all the gross boy/toilet humor and it's a good watch. Probably not something I would watch again but I'm glad I saw it.
