MovieChat Forums > Flores raras (2013) Discussion > This film skipped town, stiffing NYC act...

This film skipped town, stiffing NYC actors

This film shot in NYC in August 2012, Screen Actors Guild rules required payment of actors in August 2012, but Reaching for the Moon, aka Flores Raras, aka The Art of Losing, directed by Bruno Barreto, skipped town.
The Screen Actors Guild Legal Department has pursued the filmmakers, who absconded to Brazil, for the past 7-8 months.
The Tribeca Film Festival announced in March that this film will screen April 18 as part of its Spotlight Series. The filmmakers reportedly funded the payroll company at that time, but as of April 16, this film has not paid New York City actors.




Sorry to read that. Won't stop me from watching though.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


You posted on another board that the payroll company distributed the checks to the NY actors. This is when the movie opened at the Tribeca Film Festival. Better late than never I guess. I thought movies had insurance bonds for this sort of thing.

I don't know everything. Neither does anyone else


No one who was part of this crap should have been paid.

Of course, I'm just kidding... I'm sure many people in the crew and even in the cast, like the actress playing Elisabeth Bishop, really worked hard trying to be serious about this piece of crap.

But the director, the screenwriter and Glória Pires should pay me for the waste of time of watching this crap. It's OK to speak English with a heavy accent, but being unable to display plausible emotions in English (or in Portuguese for that matter) should be reason enough to pass along the part to a better actress. I'm sure Meryl Streep could speak Portuguese or even Mandarin convincingly, and that's because she's a great actress. Glória Pires is not.

And am I supposed to believe that an uninteresting woman like her - physically, intellectually and emotionally uninteresting - would score with two hot American women?

I'm not saying Glória Pires is ugly so she shouldn't have gotten the part. I grew up watching Brazilian soap operas, so I know she can be hot and sexy. But here she was not, and whether the real Carlotta was as unappealing, I can't tell.

I suppose, just like everything Bruno Barreto touches, Glória's acting skills and this whole movie turned to crap. One good movie a long time ago, followed by a series of complete wastes of money. Taxpayer money, might I say.

Why this movie gets a 7.0 rating and is shown in a festival is beyond me. Considering we're talking about Brazil, it's reasonable to say some people have been bribed.

It's OK, I can say that. I'm Brazilian.
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