MovieChat Forums > Rampage (2018) Discussion > First reviews are in...

First reviews are in...

Looks like another crowd-pleaser, guys. There is plenty of runway for this to make boffo box office before Avengers.

Stay tuned!


Oh Queenie, what do you have against The Rock and Warner Brothers?

He did well with Sony and Jumanji 2, give him his one off!

Warner Brothers will pick up again in another decade or two - stop dancing on their grave.


When QueenFanUSA says about a WB movie it's a crowd-pleaser, I think it's reasonable to expect a stinker. Usually we get hyperboles but this is quite modest. On topic, where are these first reviews? At the moment there's zero reviews on RT and MC, with 6.7 on IMDb (which doesn't sound like a crowd-pleaser but the rating there can be easily skewed both ways).




RT as in Rotten Tomatoes which is at 53% with average rating of only 5.6 (obviously rotten at the moment), also on MetaCritic it's at 45 after 22 reviews. That's not good.


It's early...but even the poor reviews call it "fun" which is synonymous for "crowd-pleasing".


So it's too early to say it's bad, but not too early to say it's good?


hey remember when you said the same thing about Justice League and Pacific Rim 2 queen>?

remember when they had Low opening Weekends and got awful reviews and you made threads saying "The would Leg Out" because they were called "Crowd Pleasing"

lol didnt work out to good for queen, PR2 had historically awful Drops...Justice League Lost WB 60 M....and had a pathetic domestic and Total run..

you get way to invested in movies you like and want to do results in you making these stupid statements like "Crowd Pleasing"...for some reason you just cant except when a movie you like or want to do good sucks or does then desperately try to distort reality

PS....remember a few weeks ago when I asked you to look up Rampages Info because Its tracking to Flop with a 35 M dollar opening, and you came back and said, is always wrong...

just so you know, every site is now predicting a 35 to 40 M weekend for Rampage....

you should seriously consider changing your screen name to "ItsCrowdPleasing".lol thats literally became your Mantra..its your go to move when things get UGLY and you get Desperate

the second I see you pull out the old "well the reviews may be bad, but they universally call it Crowd Pleasing" I immediately know your in damage control mode and the desperation is about to start

again the stunner here is that you keep going back to it considering it never works!

remember how when JL opened, you went from 150 133 115 M 100 M+....then when the numbers came in below 100 immediately gave up trying to defend JLs OW....and which to its "2nd Weekend"....claiming because it was a "crowd pleaser" it would have Great Holds over then remember how JL had "Twilight" type awful holds?

lol remember how when Pacific Rim 2 came out to an opening weekend LESS Wrinkle, You claimed it would "Leg Out" because it was a "crowd Pleaser"...Then remember PR2 had a historically awful 70% 2nd weekend collapse....

again this is just another example of what makes me think you are a CHILD or mentally challenged...most people would try coming up with new comebacks and excuses when they constantly fail....Your "Crowd Pleasing/Pleaser" excuse has repeatedly failed Everytime You've said or tried it...Yet you continue to use it...thats not normal...its almost like your incapable of thinking of anything else(again like a CHILD or Mentally challenged person)....mix that with the fact that You continue to Copy My exact Insults, You literally just repeat the exact thing I said to you back to me...truly makes me worry theres something wrong with you...

right now, all evidence is pointing to you not being able to think of your Own insults or even think of new excuses once your usual excuses fail...

this "Crowd Pleasing/Pleaser" thing has been a straight disaster for you that has ONLY resulted in nothing but Embarrassment and failure...yet here you are using it far as I can tell, theres only one possible explanation for just dont know what else to cant think of any other way to Spin negative news...

You get so invested in movies you like, movies you want to do good, you can not except when they are terrible or fail, This "crowd pleasing/pleasing" excuse, has to simply just be a coping mechanism for YOU, Has to be a way for you NOT to except the reality of being wrong and the movie you like failing...

anyways couldnt help for ABUSE you here...The second I read "Crowd PLeasing" I knew you were in desperation mode and knew based on your deep history of Failing With the "Crowd PLeasing" excuse, I could really destroy you here...

keep up the good work!


It has a 54% on RT making it the highest reviewed video game movie to date. That not a great score, but it's still a minor accomplishment in itself.


Good point.


Yeah well even if this receives a 2% on RT you can always say it didn't get 1%...


Now it's at 46%, that's not even the highest reviewed video game movie in the past month, even that bland Tomb Raider got slightly better reviews.


Just a big dumb movie (like Transformers) with lots of RAMPAGE (fun game as a kid)!! So if wasting time while throwing money away is what you want with loud noises, big explosions, and CGI filled scenes, this is the movie for you.


Looks like another crowd-pleaser, guys. There is plenty of runway for this to make boffo box office before Avengers.


Naw....theres time...But its not making any boxoffice....

projections are coming in...Its dead on Arrival...

Rampage is heading toward a 32-34 Million dollar Opening Weekend...

also worth Noting when Tomb Raider and Pacific Rim 2 Opened to nearly identical Awful opening Weekend numbers...You claimed they were "Crowd PLeasers and Long Term Prospects would be Great"....Both Film DIED and failed to even make 60 Million domestically!

Rampage, Tomb Raider and Pacific Rim 2 all are Flops...


have you considered maybe you are the Ultimate Jinxs?

or maybe even that GOD Hates you?

It seems every single movie you like queen Or want to do good....Fails and FLOPS...and every movie that you WANT TO Fail or Flop....Succeeds beyond even the highest expectations....

like I'm serious, There is something weird going on ....

this is 6 months and at least 9 movies that EXACTLY whatever you wanted to HAPPEN.....the exact opposite ended up happening....

your batting nearly 100% here....every single time you make your opinion known and make it clear you like a film and want that film to do good....It FLOPS horrifically...

every single times you TROLL on a film, Which Is Always Disney Films...Those Films end up exceeding Beyond All Expectations....

The Lone Expectation is Wrinkle....

You may want to consider Reverse trolling at this point because you may just be the ultimate Jinxs...You may want to start predicting movies you like and want to do good, To Fail and FLOP...

at this point, its time to change something up!


The sad part is that there is no real reviews for this movie yet.


It has 162 reviews on RT and as of 04/14/2018 @ 2:00 PM CST it is 50/50. Which real reviews are you talking about?


On here I meant. Guess I should have been more clear. RT reviews are usually skewed in one direction, love or hate. I miss the days of IMDb when you could read a unbiased review.


The sad part is that there is no real reviews for this movie yet.


no I think the sad part is a 32 Million opening Weekend....

no where near the "40 M" queen guaranteed as The FLOOR....and yet another awful opening for a WB film...

given Rampages 120 M budget, 100 M in Marketing, 33 Million WB paid for the rights and The Rocks 15 to 20 Salary Plus first dollar gross on the back end...WB is set to LOSS a TON of money on Rampage....

with a 32 M Opening, and With AIW right around the corner, Rampage isnt even going to hit 80 M domestically...

The Sole Market Rampage is having any success in is China, Which Studios only receive 25% of the box office from...

Queen desperately tried to use China as the Final HOPE for Tomb Raider, Pacific Rim 2 and Justice League once they had awful opening weekends and ultimately had terrible domestic totals, Queen tried to Claim given that they were "Crowd PLeasers" Long Term Prospects were Instead Both Tomb Raider and PR2 just straight DIED, making less than 60 M total domestically...Then queen moved to China, claiming the films were RED HOT and all would be ok...Instead they Both had good China runs that did nothing to help them from Becoming HUGE flops

PR2 and Tomb Raider wont even sniff 300 M WW....when they at Least needed to hit 400 M WW just to Break even

also worth noting, I actually think Rampage looks great and love The Rock...I'll buy Rampage the day it comes out on Blu Ray...I have nothing against Rampage, I just hate queen and love pointing out when films he defends or like Flop...

I'll also buy both Tomb Raider and PR2 too...unfortunately though, due to my hatred for queen, I'm now ruthlessly pointed out how bad they flopped...Had Queen NOT defended these films and tried to troll on them being huge hits, I would have never said a bad word about them...

But because I know queen likes these films, because 2 of the 3 were made by WB(a studio Queen relentlessly defends)...I'll take Joy in ripping them apart ...

Immature on my part ...yes....

but Fun?




Don't ever read movie reviews by "professional" critics. You'll just be led in the wrong direction.
