MovieChat Forums > Rampage (2018) Discussion > 12-16 yr olds going bananas(pun intended...

12-16 yr olds going bananas(pun intended) for this...

They came out in droves last night and this bodes VERY well for weekend matinee business.


RT audience score is a surprisingly robust 82%. That could set this up for a powerful box office run both domestically and (especially) internationally.


RT audience score is a surprisingly robust 82%. That could set this up for a powerful box office run both domestically and (especially) internationally.

^^^no Rampage is Dead on Arrival

Projections are already coming in at a pathetic 32-34 M for OW....

Which is actually WAY less than tracking, If you'll remember 10 days ago ...I asked you to do some of your desperate research to see what the budget was for Rampage and to see if it was Co Financed....because was predicting it to FLOP with a 35 Million OW....

you responded by basically laughing at the idea of Rampage ONLY opening to 35 million and claimed is always wrong and The Rock is the #1 movie star in the world so no way it opens as low as 35 M..

Well...we now know was right about it being a FLOP

This is a Devastating BLOW for WB....this is yet another MASSIVE FLOP in a year where they've had 6 MASSIVE FLOPS now....

But even more so, This KILLS WB because this is the 2nd time in less than a MONTH and a half that They FAILED with trying to start A new Franchise with Video game movies....

WB had to have HUGE HOPES for both Tomb Raider and Rampage as not only Blockbuster movies but Franchise Starters...WB PUT HUGE money into these 2 properties....and BOTH have NOW FLOPPED Horrifically and now are dead when it comes to sequels or Franchises....

I know I asked you to do some of your desperate research, the kind of research you do to try and come up with ways why WB lost LESS MONEY of their FLOPS...I dont know if you did do any research of Rampage...Its clear you were expecting it to be a hit, so I'm not sure you looked into it...

I found a little bit, Rampage was Co Financed, But I cant find anything about if it was a 50/50 Split or exactly how much WB paid...The Budget was easily over 100 M, Marketing is easily over 100 M....and Worst off WB had to pay 33 Million dollars completely on their own just to get the rights to Rampage...

Given The Rock Salary, Which is 15 to 20 M upfront and first dollar Gross on The Back end....

Its safe to say RAMPAGE is a complete disaster for WB that at least going to lose then 50 to 100 M....

RT audience score is a surprisingly robust 82%. That could set this up for a powerful box office run both domestically and (especially) internationally.


You said the exact same thing about Justice League, Pacific Rim 2 and Tomb Raider

When Reviews came out and were Awful and When Opening Weekends hit and were Awful for all 3 films

You immediately made threads and replies Literally WORD for WORD saying the exact same thing like a Zombie...You claimed even though reviews were bad, They were universally described as "Crowd Pleasing" you then, desperately claimed even though they had bad Opening Weekends, Due to them being Crowd PLeasers, They would "Leg Out" and have Great Long Term Prospects

In all 3 cases you were wrong and it didnt even remotely happen

you changed your OW prediction 5 times for Justice League during a 48 hour stretch, constantly moving the goal posts as results kept coming went from 150 133 115 105 100 M+.....Finally when JLs opening came it at 94 M...You gave up and didnt even try to defend such a pathetic result.Instead you shifted tactics to JLs 2nd Weekend claiming, Because it was such a Crowd Pleaser it would dominate Thanksgiving and have Excellent holds.Instead JL had awful "Twilight" type Holds..

Then Came Tomb Raider...which was just an all around nightmare for you....The Week before Wrinkle came out to 33 M, which you spent all week trolling on and talking about how terrible it was and what a flop it was...Then Hilariously TR comes out to a pathetic 27 M, Way lower than Wrinkle(To make matters worse you misunderstood the box office and thought because TR had a bigger Thursday night gross than Wrinkle, it Meant TR would have The bigger Opening weekend, you then all but Guaranteed TR would open higher than Wrinkle)...

Of couse it didnt...TR ONLY made 27 M...But of course you immediately went into Desperation mode and Claimed "TR would Leg Out due to being a Crowd Pleasers"....Instead TR just DIED! and wont even hit 60 M Domestically(hilariously Wrinkle actually did somewhat LEG OUT and finished with 92 M domestically)


and Next we get Pacific Rim 2...
"Critical consensus is this is a crowd-pleaser.
posted 23 days ago by QueenFanUSA (694)
18 replies | jump to latest

That bodes well for the long-term prospects for this film."

^ exact post you created

those "Long Term Prospected"

ended up being a disastrous 67 % 2nd weekend drop, a LESS than 60 M dollar Domestic Gross, and The Film Making 50% less in its International Markets than PR1...PR1 made 300 Million dollars + from International Markets...111 came from China, Which Means 200 Million came from the Remaining Markets....PR2 made 98 M in China...which means PR2 ONLY made 100 Million dollar from ALL OF ITS remaining overseas Markets...

PR2 Lost 50% of its Audience overseas and 45% Domestically...The Film wont even Sniff 300 Million WW...

Basically LONG TERM PROSPECTS were DEATH...this film was Dead on Arrival and somehow things got even worse as its BO run continued...

lol of course I only bring these examples up So you and everyone else know....You saying Rampage may have a Powerful box office run Is LITERALLY the equivalent of me talking Rocket Science...Its absolute garbage, Pointless and has no factual basis...

the facts are you get way to invested in films you like...You can not except when a film you like sucks or then have to try and Distort reality so you dont have to except this...

and for some ODD reason...this "Crowd Pleasing/Pleaser" excuse has became your #1 go to move...the second you realize a film you like or want to do good is failing or is in trouble...You immediately pull out this delusional "Well even though reviews are bad, Its a Crowd Pleaser So Long Term Prospects are going to be great"

the real stunner here is, the fact that YOU KEEP using it after it fails time after time...

I on the surface somewhat understand why you say it...It, at the time Provides you the ability NOT to except the Immediate AWFUL results...when JL, Tomb Raider or PR2 comes out to awful box office results, this of course bothers you...

and This excuse of "Its a Crowd PLeaser, Long Term Prospects are Great" allows you to basically say and think, "So what about these Poor Immediate results, Things could get better"

Its almost like its your Security Blanket....But at a certain point...there has to come a point where even YOU know its just an excuse, It has not worked 1 time...every film you've claimed was a Crowd pleaser and would have Great Long Term Prospect has Straight DIED and been Massive Flops...

why kept saying something that Never Works, That never Happens?

Its got to be just straight defiance and SPITE at this point... you cant actually believe these Awful movies are Crowd Pleasers and have great long term prospects...instead its just got to be SPITE, YOU WILL NOT change your opinion or stance no Matter what, you Will not admit a film you like FAILED...

You will not give anyone the satisfaction of you admitting you were wrong or got it wrong...

anyways just wanted to point out...Rampaged is FLOPPING badly...this is a Huge Blow for WB...and None of you desperate excuses can help.

LONG Term Prospects seem to be right in line With JL,PR2 and TR....AWFUL...



No...that would be A Wrinkle in Time with a WW box office of just 117 million!

PR2 and TR absolutely TOWER over that pathetic result and Rampage will already be over that by the end of it's first weekend.


"Wrinkle did somewhat leg out domestically and finished with 92 M domestically".


Yeah...and it's barely made ANYTHING anywhere else in the world. I think TR is in much better shape with a LOWER BUDGET and 2.5X Wrinkle's gross(and climbing).


A Wrinkle In Time, Pacific Rim 2 and Rampage, they all look like crap and judging by their ratings and earnings they most likely are. I don't know that much about A Wrinkle In Time cause I haven't read the book so I'm not sure if they've told the entire story in the movie, but out of all three titles it seems like the least "franchiseable" one (Pacific Rim is already a sequel and The Rampage has Dwayne Johnson in it so if it wasn't a flop I'm sure WB would drop a few sequels), even its main actors are nobodies (Oprah and Pine aside but they're not that huge draws like The Rock).

To sum it up Disney won't cry too much for the failure they had with A Wrinkle In Time but WB has troubles finding its footing when it comes to starting new franchises. Harry Potter franchise is alive, DC would be dead if it wasn't for Marvel (which is kinda funny but Marvel still keeps the audience interest in comic book movies, Wonder Woman and Deadpool aside most of the non-Marvel titles have been crap or received poorly - Justice League, BvS, Apocalypse, Dark Phoenix and that other Fox mutant horror movie being constantly delayed), Tomb Raider is a flop (heck it even didn't manage to earn more domestically than The Cradle Of Life). What other franchises does WB have?


Rampage is doing fine.

148 million in 3 days.

A Wrinkle in Time?

117 million in 6 weeks.


Most of that number came from China which makes a big difference than if the same came from say Brazil. Sure Rampage is less of a flop if you compare it to an even bigger flop, that still doesn't make it a success.


Box is already saying that "profitability is all but assured at this point".

With a 120 million dollar budget the breakeven point would be around 350 million and it's already almost halfway there after 3 days.

That's not a "flop".


"Most of that number came from China".

Nope. Not even close. Only 55million of that 148 million came from China.


A third came from China, it's even more than what it earned domestically. China is its biggest market and it will be in the end.

Sorry but I'm not a huge fan of movies that live of the Chinese market. The minute I see a domestic flop that will get a sequel just because it earned decent money in China, I start thinking about Transformers, F&F and other titles of questionable quality. Not saying anything against the Chinese but their taste of movies is arguable.


A third is not "most".


Semantics. It was a photo finish for Rampage to even win in its OW running against a movie in its sophomore weekend. Even the weak A Wrinkle In Time will earn more domestically than The Rampage. In theory earning 40% in the opening weekend should be enough to get to the break even point but with Infinity War less than two weeks away Rampage will soon start loosing its screens. Pacific Rim 2 had a similar OW (28M) and opened even bigger in China and look where it is now.


But Rampage is doing very well all around the world outside of China which PR2 did not. Plus it still has to open in France, Germany and Japan in May. That"s why is saying it's profitability is almost secure. Also, saying a "third"="most" is not "semantics" it's just plain "wrong".


Quoting "...this relatively soft debut for the $120 million production doesn't bode well for its future domestically and perhaps even internationally where the film brought in an estimated $114.1 million from 61 markets this weekend."


I do tip my hat to China for loving Coco. They responded to that masterpiece the way the rest of the world SHOULD HAVE.
