MovieChat Forums > Strange Darling (2024) Discussion > saw it tonight, pretty good, spoilers, o...

saw it tonight, pretty good, spoilers, of course

I liked it. Lots of back and forth, not knowing who's side we're supposed to be on. However, it's a story that relies on editing and definitely took a page from Tarantino's book. If it were told in a linear fashion, it would lose at least half its suspense and surprise. For that alone, you can kind of tell where it's going. When you're told it will have 6 chapters, but opens with #3, you know that can only mean there's more exposition to be had. But it was a wild ride. And definitely some social commentary depending on how deep you care to dig.


I saw it last night too. I agree with your take on it. I like the non sequential way of filming. Keeps people guessing and wondering as the chapters unfold. The story- good. Acting- good. A wild ride in a quick hour and a half.


Movies existed before Tarantino started ripping them off.


yeah, but no one really cares about those old movies anymore.


Yeah, I have nothing against Tarantino and like his style.

Though I couldn't see anything Tarantinesque in Strange Darling.


I think the Original Poster was referring to how the plot was not sequential. Quentin Tarantino was not the first filmmaker to use non-linear storytelling, but he certainly popularized it in modern cinema.


Ok, I got it. Also, the movie was trying to look like an older movie (they even shot it on a film), which is also from Tarantino's playbook. Interestingly, Giovanni Ribisi is the cinematographer.


^ Correct
