visually stunning leftist propaganda

the leads were moronic with no charisma at all.
the guy looked like former drug addict surfer or something. the bitch is average looking arrogant feminist.

its the typical plot of military is bad , humans are bad, aliens are noble savages, blah blah...
skip this leftist crap.
watch something else.


Actually it was a lot more nuanced than that... If anything, it showed the necessity of highrarchy and political order and control to maintain such a complex space city... The transgression against a specific alien tribe was a subversion of the military's duty and not it's main purpose. This isn't Avatar...

The protagonist couple are military folks and remain so throughout the movie... The military remains key to the city's future political order...

The girl is not feminist (in the hostile third wave American sense) at all. She is independant, but unlike many girls even today actual does want a relationship, she just doesn't want to be a simple sexual conquest and would rather it was an actual love based relationship between them... This is a deeply conservative and traditional value to hold, centuries into the future... It seems very traditional for someone in Europe now!

I think you're looking to be offended and have missed all the nuance in this movie... Also, it is European, so will have a European sensibility towards egalitarianism, sexuality and such that might seem alien (no oun intended) to American comic book and StarWars audience sensibilities...


And in the comics, IIRC, she's a nun from like the 1400s or something like that. Think: Belle from Beauty and The Beast.
She's of course supposed to be a foil to the brash and modern womanizer Valerian.

It's just that in the comics, and the animated outing, they have chemistry.


To be fair, there were also some ignoble Savage aliens, the gross ones whose King was spitting out everything but supermodel brains.

As if a supermodel had anything in there but air...


i didn't really notice a substantial commentary on capitalism, labor or class. i'm confused why you would call this leftist..... words mean things


Pretty sure he calls anything that breathes a leftist. Look at his posting history. Also, he seems to hate women, but maybe he loves his left hand.


Because OP has no idea what he's talking about.


I found it pretty entertaining.


Goddamn rightist extremist Thought Police and their damn political correctness everywhere all of the time.. Are we free of them anywhere? This is a foreign movie so it will seem "leftist" to you since Americans are so far skewed to the right. Even American Liberals are seen as more centrist than they think. Proof there is no left in this country is Bill Barr getting a let off by Biden's attorney general and Mark Ruffalo wasn't even allowed to point out the truth about Israel. He's owned by his corporate employers.

The lead had NOTHING to do with being leftist. He just wasn't well typecast and this is supposed to appeal to young adults so naturally they cast actors that look like teenagers.
Most the aliens were savages. There was one group of natives, that the movie was about who were advanced beings. Politics has nothing to do with it.


Oh really? Nothing to do with it? So when the pearl aliens say that "6 million of us were killed in the holy land" that doesn't ring any bells for you? LMAO


LOL! I love how you're offended that aliens, who don't, as far as we know, exist, are presented as 'noble savages'.

And how can anyone be offended that the *humans* are the bad guys? We're ALL humans, or are you somehow inferring that the humans are surrogates for a specific type of human? Hmm... 🤔 I hope I'm wrong, but wouldn't that potentially be a little racist or xenophobic on your part?

Can someone explain to me how it's 'leftist' to imply that ALL humans (Black/white, male/female, gay/straight, Jewish/gentile, Muslim/Christian etc etc) are the villains?
