MovieChat Forums > Hold Your Breath (2012) Discussion > Liked this movie but... (Spoilers)

Liked this movie but... (Spoilers)

I like this movie, but in places it had some very bad writing and plot holes, such as

1. MacBride at the end says now we have two demons loose, this is a game changer. Are we really to believe the Warden was a demon even though he did nothing but help and he had blue eyes unlike the killers red eyes. Also he was concerned about Kyle when he was stabbed in the eye.

2. He was able to possess Johnny at the end, even though we had clearly seen two spirits enter McBride in the cemetery. If we are to give the writers the benefit of the doubt and say perhaps it was Johnny's spirit that had left his body and was fighting with the Warden and not the Killer. This is not the case as we see a flashback of him getting possessed in the car as they are driving away.



"I think I liked it better when I thought Sylar ate brains."


Could it have been another killer's spirit?


That part bugged me too, a cliched ending and the battle in the cemetary was a low point for me although once the kids found out the story everything after that pretty much went downhill too.


Why did Mcbride think absorbing the spirits would stop him anyway? He was able to jump from girl to girl with ease. I actually didn't hate the movie. I've seen worse. Silly things bothered me. Like the kids glasses being next to him when they were shown on his face a second before. Also did stoner's eyes ever turn red? Did I just not notice it?


Stoner's eyes did turn red towards the end of his possession which was not consistent with the other possessions.


In other news, the entire movie was a plot hole. "Little" things like that, for example, a movie that makes no sense from start to finish, including the ambiguous double "endings", sometimes bothers me a little...because, you know, it is good to have a plot, theme, and acting sometimes in a movie and an ending that does not change the main premise.


1. McBride didn't mean "demons" literally since he was talking about the disembodied souls of Van Hausen (the serial killer) and Warden Wilkes. These are human beings, not angels or evil spirits, which is proven by their appearance when they're disembodied. McBride honored Wilkes as his superior at the asylum, but Wilkes was actually the lesser of two evils and was hellbent on destroying Van Hausen for murdering him in the electric chair room (and myriad other reasons, I'm sure).

The movie used blue eyes to represent a person possessed by Wilkes simply to distinguish that individual from someone possessed by Van Hausen. It didn't automatically make Wilkes angelic.

As for why Wilkes was concerned about Kyle's fatal wound, he wasn't wholly evil, like Van Hausen, and was concerned about the slayer's continuing victims. But that didn't make him wholly good.

2. When McBride blew up after being simultaneously possessed by Van Hausen and Wilkes, that's when Van Hausen possessed Johnny in the SUV (there's a quick flashback at the end revealing this). Obviously Wilkes failed in his attempt to defeat Van Hausen and so the psycho-killer was free to continue possessing people nearby, which he did with Johnny.

Here's the full movie on Youtube for those interested:
