MovieChat Forums > Big Hero 6 (2014) Discussion > How would you rank this against Frozen, ...

How would you rank this against Frozen, Wreck It Ralph and Lego Movie?

I am just curious. For all of you who have seen Big Hero 6, and also have seen Frozen, Wreck It Ralph and The Lego Movie, how would you rank this one against them?

Do you think it is as good as any of them, or even better?

I have not seen the movie myself, so no spoilers please, I just want to get an idea of what to expect from this.


I haven't seen Lego Movie but I think this is overrated, compared to Frozen and Wreck-it Ralph, it could've been more happy and thrilling.

I can't take crap off of bad people


It seems like a lot of people think this movie is overrated. But yeah, it's currently at 8.4 here on IMDb which is a very high rating for an animated movie. What do you think it deserves?


The Lego Movie

Here comes the smolder... 

I'm a Disnerd and proud

Resident Tangled expert


6/10. And the current rating of 8/10 is because more and more 12-yr olds are having IMDB accounts and voting.


Even adults enjoy Big Hero 6

Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads - Doc Brown, Back to the Future (1985)


I would put Big Hero 6 on the same level as both Frozen and The Lego Movie, but I would put Wreck It Ralph at the bottom. It's a good movie, but its the weakest of the four, IMO.


I'm also going to include Tangled.

1. Wreck-it Ralph - 10/10
2. Big Hero 6 - 9.5/10
3. Frozen - 9.5/10
4. Tangled - 9.5/10

All great films (yes, even Frozen).

5. The Lego Movie - 7/10 -It's fun and stuff, but considering how much acclaimed it is, it was a tad disappointing.

"Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads"- Doc Brown, Back to the Future (1985)


you oviously don't know anything voting 4 movies 10/10 especially frozen that movie is crap, annoying, ect -.-


F-ck off.

Take her to the Moon for me, okay?


I think that Big Hero 6 is the best of all of them!

Big Hero 6
Wreck-It Ralph
Lego Movie


Wreck It Ralph
Big Hero 6
The Lego Movie

Love all of these, though.


be ready for your emotions to be on a roller coaster. Big Hero 6 the best of those four movies.


Big Hero 6
Wreck-It Ralph
The Lego Movie (I honestly didn't care for The Lego Movie)

*All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.*🎭



I LOVED Wreck it Ralph... it was great! But it wasn't very...comical.

Frozen is good, but SO over done.
The Lego Movie almost had me sniffing at the end... the ending was wild and NOT what I was thinking at ALL, and it was so creative!
But BH6 beats all three in my book. It was funny, the action was very good, the story was great. BH6 had 'deaths' and it still ended well. And the graphics were so amazing... the CGI depth was the best I've seen compared to the other 3. The textures were very well done.

3rd generation American from a long line of Gottscheers... it was Drandul, dude!


Disney's animated movies have consistently gotten better every year. If I had to rank them, at the moment I'd go like this:

Big Hero 6
Tangled (also done by the same people who did Frozen and Big Hero 6 if I'm not mistaken)
Wreck-It Ralph
The Lego Movie

But my rankings might change. I really have to watch Frozen again, but it will be awhile before I get to it again.
