MovieChat Forums > The Bible (2013) Discussion > Did ANYONE associated with this read the...

Did ANYONE associated with this read the Bible?

(Spoiler) There are so many errors and misrepresentations that I found myself constantly saying, "You'd think if they were going to do a mini-series on this they'd at least READ it!!" AND while there are many battles in the Bible, this almost seems like merely an excuse to create sword fights and slit throats, as they repeatedly have them in places where the Bible does NOT. This is UNBELIEVABLY bad.


So what? The Bible itself isn't historically accurate in the first place. Who cares?


It is actually a lot more historiacally accurate than most people realise and proven more by science and archeology every day.


^ that is false.


List some historically inaccuracies please.


-There were no Jewish slaves in Egypt.
-There is zero evidence of a "stopped day".
-Herod never ordered the deaths of all the newborns.
-The census took place after Jesus is alleged to have been born.

And those are just the ones that immediately spring to mind.

All your base are belong to us.


- This is not a fact, it is currently a theory. It is known they were there for a time.
- Not exactly sure what you're talking about, but I can't imagine there would be. Then again there is no evidence for a non-stopping day.
- Once again, a theory, not fact. Herod has been recorded of doing things far more gruesome and we can imagine, (whether you want to or not), that the killing of perhaps 70-80 newborn boys would be nothing in comparison. That there is no further records does not mean this event did not take place.
- The Bible does not give a specific date of when Jesus was born, so how could the Bible have gotten this fact wrong?


His second point is referring to when the Sun stood still for about a whole day, during one of the battles led by Joshua.

"I'd rather be right and on my own, than wrong in the company of everyone else."


Ah. Thanks for the clarification.


-There were no Jewish slaves in Egypt. Jews? Probably. Slaves? No. This article really-slaves-in-egypt-or-is-passover-a-myth-1.420844 is just brief over-view.

Even if we take the earliest possible date for Jewish slavery that the Bible suggests, the Jews were enslaved in Egypt a good three hundred years after the 1750 B.C. completion date of the pyramids. That is, of course, if they were ever slaves in Egypt at all.
And this article:
Recent archaeological finds actually show that Egyptians built the pyramids themselves. Workers were recruited from poor families in the north and south but were highly respected, earning crypts near the pyramids and even proper preparation for burial.

Slaves wouldn’t have been treated so honorably, end of story.

-There is zero evidence of a "stopped day". Someone already answered this for you.
-Herod never ordered the deaths of all the newborns. Considering that Josephus, who lived from 37 CE to 100 CE never mentioned it, and he went to great lengths to discredit him, I'd say it's safe to say it's not true.
-The census took place after Jesus is alleged to have been born. Since Jesus would have been born between 7 BCE and 2 BCE, and the census did not occur until 6 CE, I would say it's wrong, as would many others.

Everything I have said can be verified from secular sources with no axe to grind. And the fact that an Israeli Newspaper (Haaretz) even says The Exodus is a myth should count for quite a bit.

All your base are belong to us.



Ah, how sweet. I wasn't alive when Lincoln was assassinated either, but I trust historians to tell me that Booth did not escape to live a long and healthy life afterward.

What does this have to do with my not being alive then? I don't rely on a single book. If 100 historians/archaeologists say something did or did not happen compared to a single crackpot or religious book, I'm more likely to take their word as opposed to the religious book and/or crackpot.

All your base are belong to us.



Where in the Bible does it say that the Jews built the pyramids?
Nowhere in the Bible does it mention pyramids. However, if you read the articles that I quoted, it mentions no slaves, certainly not Hebrew, were used.
Aren't you confusing the Bible with a Cecil B DeMille film loosely based on it?
If you pay attention to the opening, DeMille says more than the Bible were used. One he specifically mentions is Philo who did mention that Hebrew slaves built the pyramids. Herodotus also mentions it and is likely Philo's source on the matter.
It's a good idea to read the work you're dismissing, not go on rumor or movies about it.
Since you are the one who brought up The Ten Commandments, you should do research into what was used for the film. In fact, I'll even quote the pertinent part from the prologue:
As many of you know, the Holy Bible omits some 30 years of Moses' life from when he was a three-month old baby and was found in the bulrushes, by Bithiah, the daughter of Pharaoh and adopted into the court of Egypt, until he learned that he was Hebrew and killed the Egyptian. To fill in those missing years, we turn to ancient historians, such as Philo and Josephus. Philo wrote at the time when Jesus of Nazareth walked the earth and Josephus wrote some 50 years later, and watched the destruction of Jerusalem, by the Romans. These historians had access to documents long since destroyed - or perhaps lost, like the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Here it is again:
...we turn to ancient historians, such as Philo and Josephus.
So, it's not JUST The Bible that was used. But, as you pointed out, it's best do actually read the source material. I suggest you do the same.
It's this level of discourse that makes discussing the Bible on IMDb pointless.
No discussion is pointless.

If I cannot smoke cigars in heaven, I shall not go!



I mentioned Pyramids for a specific reason. I did not bring up the Ten Commandments, you did, obviously assuming that is where I pulled the information from.

And if you did not want a debate, then you should not have jumped in.

If I cannot smoke cigars in heaven, I shall not go!


- This is not a fact, it is currently a theory. It is known they were there for a time.

Usual fundie *beep* It is a fact that the Egyptian pyramids were built by indentured workers; construction projects were started when the Nile valley flooded to give farmers alternative work while they wait for their lands to be ready to farm. Some of these workers might have been Jewish as Egypt was more cosmopolitan than people often presume, but most would have been ethnic Egyptian pagans, and none were slaves.

And, for your information, in science ''theory'' means ''a well-established explanation based on evidence'' (aka something true). When you say ''theory'', you are thinking of ''hypothesis''. For example, Evolution is a theory because scientific evidence has proven it to be true, however, before beiong proven it was a ''hypothesis'', a 'guess'' or an ''idea''.

Once again, a theory, not fact. Herod has been recorded of doing things far more gruesome and we can imagine, (whether you want to or not), that the killing of perhaps 70-80 newborn boys would be nothing in comparison. That there is no further records does not mean this event did not take place.

Herod was ruthless enough to have orchestrated the ''murder of the innocents'', however, the murder of children was considered especially abhorrent even in the ancient world, which is why child sacrifice was used as propaganda against enemies by Rome, the Greeks and even the Hebrews. Herod's mass murder of children is unlikely to have escaped historical documents. We should at least have a reference to such an act in contemporary sources.

The Bible does not give a specific date of when Jesus was born, so how could the Bible have gotten this fact wrong?

It doesn't give a date for his birth, indeed. However, it does claim that Jesus was born during the great census of Augustus, during the reign of Herod and the consulship of Quirinius, whom it claims was governor of Syria at that time.

Herod died when Jesus was young (which would historically be in 4 BC) so Jesus had to be born sometime before this point (during Herod's reign). Quirinius's consulship was contemporaneous with the reign of Herod as he became governor in 6 AD.

The governor at the time of Jesus's birth was actually Sentius Saturninus.

I won't resort to saying that the Biblical story is complete nonsense, but ''Luke'' did clearly make mistakes in his account of Jesus's birth. Hey, everyone makes mistakes. The mistakes in Luke only really become a problem if you are a moronic fundamentalist who sees the Bible as literally god's word - despite the fact that his ''word'' would have to have gone through various different writers and then translaters. The Bible also speaks of god in third person, unless quoting god.

This damned burg's getting me. If I don't get away soon I'll be going blood-simply like the natives.


There is a movie called Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus. It was made in 2014 and is available on Netflix now. It's extremely interesting and was made by documentary film maker, Tim Mahoney. All through history, certain assumptions have been made, including dates of past events. He looks at evidence, with modern-day experts and lets it lead back to the stories. Very enlightening.



And Mary was 12, 13 yrs old when she was betrothed to Joseph and pregnant w/ baby Jesus. And this actress was over dramatic to play a humble lowly kind female. They didnt attempt to stone her to death either and she was over joyed about being pregnant w/ the messiah. Not gloomy and shameful as this actress portrayed her


is that biblical or catholism? last time i checked, i dont remember reading how old mary was in the bible. what catholics say & what the bible says are 99 percent contradictory.

i should know...ive had catholism in my family.

catholics say mary remained a virgin her whole life. not possible for two reasons. the birth of jesus would have taken care of that & also bible says "mary did not know (aka have sex with) joseph UNTIL......oops...until she had jesus" bible goes on to mention sisters/brothers of jesus & actual roman records list at least 7 children AFTER jesus. amos being the next one born but dies a month later.

Right. OK. Who fckd with IMDb now? WOW!




Jane Eyre wasn't a real person! So lets have her marry a cow in our movie adaption of the book! You're an idiot.


Well I was a Camera Operator on this and I can tell you did and had 'Experts' on tap the whole time. These experts came from different areas and religious slant so keeping everyone happy is not the easiest thing in the world and everyone has their own interpretation of what they read.



i really hate it when one says 'their interpretation' that is an abomination. you can PRETEND to interpret the bible for yourself. but the fact is the bible interprets itself & there is only ONE conclusion. but as jesus says, not many will find the gate for straight is the way & narrow is the gate.

nearly any "their interpretation" scenario can be disproved, using the same bible. so unless you actually follow the bible itself & see how it explains itself, it wont work. only the bible's explanation is the proper one. one good pastor for doing that is david asscherick. another is doug batchelor (who is jewish but turned his back on that life).

Right. OK. Who fckd with IMDb now? WOW!


Besides being inaccurate the show was poorly written. Dialogue was terrible!! When Jesus meets up with John the Baptist and instead of using the exact dialogue between them from the bible, they make up dialog that is half as good and misinterpret the transaction that was prophecised to take place at that moment.

I was told this show was so good but I want to get my money back from npmy Blurays. Will sell them on eBay when I finish this disjointed production.

If you want to see a most accurate production of the life of Jesus watch the made for TV mini series JESUS OF NAZARETH all star cast, brilliantly written and produced! This movie is usually run during cpChristmas and Easter on TBN channel in it entirety without commercial breaks.

... End of line.



passion of the christ is very accurate. apart from the langauge. jesus was jewish & spoke hebrew. they all did. the original writings our bibles are based on are all hebrew first, THEN greek with a little latin & aramic. so that part was off. but the story itself was a bit too accurate really. its a once in a lifetime viewing.

by the way, it's a lot. not alot.

Right. OK. Who fckd with IMDb now? WOW!


jesus of nazareth is more accurate than this series. im amazed robert powell had any part in this series (he's one of the narrators)! but that movie still has a lot of added stuff.

passion of the christ is the most accurate if you can blink at the inaccuracy of the language used. (its in aramaic. it should be hebrew.) but do be older than 20 to watch it as it is a bit "too" accurate if you get my drift.

Right. OK. Who fckd with IMDb now? WOW!


I didn't even get far enough to notice the errors. They seemed to brush over the good from the bible and focused on violence. Modern television, ratings? I was sick over it as I was greatly looking forward to watching the series. Now Son of God is coming out. I doubt I will watch it either as it again will focus on violence. Where is God in our society. I listened to LP of The Bible when child which was very wholesome. I wouldn't let my grandkids watch the new version.
Bad, Roma, you should know better.


Angels butchering humans and doing martial arts?? And the story about Mary and Joseph made me so sad. Additionally, a devil that resembled the U.S President?? ..Talk about a warped sense of humor and unprofessional.

Now I understand why Academy award winning American actors wanted no part of this. The director and producer obviously doesn't take the one true living God serious

Gods Stories were the most realistic and impressive biblical stories Ive ever seen on film. I got so much clarity after watching these below



Just because it is in The Bible does not make it true. Look up the writings of Josephus. The man had no love for Herod yet makes no mention of this "fact"? There is no contemporary evidence of the slaughter of the newborns. If it were true, certainly someone would have made mention of it. Instead, a major event that took place between 4 BCE and 10 CE is only mentioned in a single document that was written between 70 CE and 110 CE. That's between 60 and 114 years after the fact.

And it is only mentioned in one of the four Gospels? Yeah, that's hardly reliable.

If I cannot smoke cigars in heaven, I shall not go!


When it comes to mythology you can take it in any direction you like. Look at all the stories of Zeus, Odin, Ra, Gaia and all the other gods. Few stick to the original story line. It's a fictional account of fictional characters. You can go whatever you want to story wise.


no you cant. myth or real, you ought to stay with the canon facts.

ask any harry potter or twilight fan. its the same thing. if it didnt follow the book (provided the book cam first) then its a deviation & no good. harry potter & the goblet of fire book vs movie is basically 2 different stories & a lot of fans were upset by that.

fans of the bible or any book....oh yeah..eragon! PRIME example! are justified in their anger when they sit down to a movie of their favorite stories...but then get a piece of crap.

i watched the movie eragon years before i even knew there was not one but four books. i loved the movie. one of my favorites.

now i hate it. the movie did not do the books justice.

this series did not do the book justice either!

Right. OK. Who fckd with IMDb now? WOW!
