Bluebells (spoilers)


I just finished S2, and I'm wondering why Ricky sent Claire that bluebell in the card. Did they mention why and I just missed it?

Also, I don't quite understand why Claire was so adamant about protecting Lee,even going to the extreme measure of drugging Pippa for Lee to kill her, then she betrays him by testifying against him in court.

Overall, great season! It was very intense :)


My theory is that she tricked him into killing the girl and testified against him to punish him for the affair. I could be wrong, but her abortion tells me that she was angry about his infidelity. I don't understand the bluebells though. I originally thought she was having an affair, but I have no idea now. Some of it didn't add up for me in the end.


Like Claire said, Lee was a drug for her--she couldn't help herself, yet hated herself for it. After he beat her up (after learning about the abortion), I think she just decided to do him in, even if it meant prison for herself as well.

BLUE BELLS: Pepper's skeezy dad-- the one who lusted after her cousin, then killed her when he caught her having sex with Lee--sent the bluebells to remind Claire that they had thrown his dead child's body into the river there by the field of bluebells--a terrible price to pay for his killing the young cousin--like he said to DI Harden: I've already paid for my sin. Claire had his liquor flask with the rohypnol in it which she used to drug Pepper, remember-she'd buried it in that field, so it was a death reminder for both girls in a way.


The relationship between Claire and Lee always swayed from hate to love and back again. She helped Lee murder the witness, a little innocent girl she cared for. I think at some point they had a falling out, possibly before she had the abortion (and the reason why she had it). That's when she agreed to give testimony in court against Lee. But as always ('he is a drug to me'), she reconciled with him and stole the pendent (lucky chance that Alec's wife was so stupid as to celebrate with her affair before getting the key evidence to safety), the only evidence that would convict Lee even if she didn't put herself in the spotlight by recanting her testimony.

As always, she desired Lee but always kept something to force him to disappear if she wants it. Just like Ricky's buried flask that supposedly killed his daughter, she kept the pendent (sealed!) in order to get rid of Lee if she really wanted it. This way, Lee didn't go to prison, she didn't either, but she still had to be afraid of Lee taking revenge for turning him in. I doubt she would live (for two years?) in a remote cottage for that, but maybe she way hoping of getting with Alec instead. When Lee returned and obviously had forgiven her, she got her 'drug' back and could have lived happily like that. But Alec destroyed that by telling Lee about the abortion. Subsequently, Lee attacked Claire with his violent temper (that she enjoyed in her sexual fantasies) and Claire wanted to get rid of him by giving the pendent to Alec.

She might have thought that Alec would forgive and protect her. Alec gave in the interrogation some theory of how Claire wanted to get Lee back this way, somehow - I didn't really understand that. Did somebody catch that?

But, obviously, that turned out a very stupid plan and allowed Alec and Ellie to crack Lee.

What I still don't understand is why they threw Ricky's daughter into the river when they had access to an abandoned animal incineration plant that they used to get rid of the bloody floorboards anyway. Without a body, they would have gotten away with it much more easily - and they could have still convinced Ricky that his Rohypnol killed his own daughter (the stuff the slimebag intended to use to rape a bridesmaid at the wedding).

All three were terrible people, it all only worked out because Ricky's wife essentially covered for him giving her husband an alibi he didn't have - because she thought he had an affair during that time (though it would have been nothing but rape anyhow).

To answer your question with the bluebells: Lee and Claire were the only people Ricky could really talk too about the death of his daughter. Maybe he sent her the bluebell he took that night as a thank you for laying her corpse into the field of bluebells, allowing him to say goodbye. Maybe it way a reminder not to testify against him in court as well, or else he would explain her part in it. In any way, he knew her address all along and I really don't understand why he went after Lee when he returned, why he beat him up and why Lee didn't defend himself or at least repeat the lie that Ricky killed his daughter with the Rohypnol and the truth that he killed his niece out of jealousy. I think the writers made some mistakes here telling the story the viewer was supposed to believe instead of the one that actually took place.

I found the actual murder story more believable in season one, but season two was great nonetheless and the actors superb.


It's possible, they didn't put Pippa in the water -- only laid her beside it. But something caused the ground under her to give way and her body ended up in the water.

With respect to the bluebells Ricky sent -- in the end we learned that each of the three had incriminating information to hold over the other two. Lee and Claire could turn in Ricky for being Lisa's killer and for the flask with rohypnol. Claire could turn Lee in for killing Pippa while Ricky had threatened to turn Lee in for Lisa's murder. Both Lee and Ricky could turn Claire in for being an accomplice.

So I think the bluebells were to remind Claire that the three of them had a pact not to turn each other in. She had the least to lose if she got turned in so she needed the most reminding that she was also guilty in the whole Sandbrook case.


I think if Lee and Claire would have destroyed her body that Ricky would have flipped out even more than he did. It's also possible that Lee didn't think about using the oven until he was getting rid of the floor.


The ironic/funny thing about it is the one person Hardy wanted the most, was the one person of the three who didn't actually kill anyone.


You're implying Hardy wanted Lee the most right??

Because if so, then yes, Lee DID kill Pippa by smothering her after she drank the flask with the drug in it and pasted out.

If you meant that Hardy wanted Claire then you're right, she didn't kill anyone.
