Ryan Newman as MJ?

Now mind you I do not want to see MJ in this movie.

However I personally would love to see her as an exchange student down the road. I have yet to see an MJ suggestion on this board that I can even say "sure" to. *cough* Bella Thorne *cough*

My question is...is Ryan Newman a decent actress? I have not seen anything she's been in but she's blown up recently (I guess because she turned 18) but when I look at her I think she looks like a red hair MJ would be legit.

If she sucks as an actress than fine. But I see her (pictures) and I think she could be good.




Obviously not dude


Who the hell is this? I got the nascar driver before her profile came up. No...Bella Thorne people! Hello? Bella Thorne for Christ's sake!

What's missing in movies is same as in society: a good sense of work ethic and living up to ideals.


This is Ryan Newman

Shes been in some Disney Shows and was in some Nick at Nite show that starred Scott Baio. Shes really beautiful,nice eyes and shes got a nice body she does not look thin

I have never been sold on Bella Throne being MJ,I know shes got the look but still IDK

Katherine Mcnamra would be my favorite choice,

Ask the guards, they'll deny it. Ask the inmates here—they'll cut their tongues out before they talk


Yeah like I said I've never seen her in anything but I think she has a great look to her. She's very pretty and I think would look great with red hair. I'm just sick of the Bella Thorne suggestions as I can't stand her and to me outside of having red hair looks nothing like the character. MJ is supposed to be attractive and Bella Thorne is not that. Like I've said before however is that attractiveness is subjective so to each there own I guess. I'm just tired of seeing her name constantly thrown out like she's this perfect fit (as seen by one of said posters in this thread already) when I personally don't think so at all.

It just makes me think that all these people just have a fascination with Bella Thorne and want to shout from the rooftops like she's the end all be all to be MJ simply because MJ is a red head. Forget the idea that she doesn't look like MJ but damn it if there is a character with red hair Sophie Turner and Bella Thorne are gonna get suggested for it because damn it that's all that matters.

