Too Much Blood

And before anyone gets cute: I've seen someone take a fvcking blast of steel shot from a 10 guage shotgun to the face in Iraq--and much more so....yeah.

When hammer girl pulled the hammers out on the train I was like "Oh *beep* Yeah..." Dual weilding hammers has always been something I wanted to see in a movie. Then. Then they got all Kill Bill again and it lost a point from me. All the blood just makes it look campy imo.

Damn good movie. Better than the first imo. Just a little too much chesse on top.

Gave it a 7.


There's not nearly as much blood in this compared to kill bill. If anything this is way more realistic than kill bill. In kill bill there was so much they had to go black and white for a part of it, blood sprays everywhere on that when someone gets their arms cut off for like 10 seconds. The raid 2 is actually a lot less gory in comparison.


That's like saying there's too many boobs in a boob movie.


I agree. It's a fine line to walk and Raid 1 handled this aspect much better.


You expected someone being pummeled by claw hammers to not have much blood?
