MovieChat Forums > The Fall (2013) Discussion > Was he really amnesiac?

Was he really amnesiac?

I couldn't tell...


I can't remember.....


This was lame .. but I enjoyed it. Thank you.


I'd like an answer to this too!


There is no answer, and therein lies one of the redeeming qualities of S3 -- we were all left guessing.


No he wasnt. He was pissed at Stella for finding a loophole to expose his BS when they discovered the other murder that occurred during a time period in which he could remember.


No he wasnt. He was pissed at Stella for finding a loophole to expose his BS when they discovered the other murder that occurred during a time period in which he could remember.

This. His delivery of "the police have been clever; they've got me on something I do remember," combined with that hint of a smirk, all but screams it in our faces.

He knows he's been outplayed.


he wasn't


In other words, he gave up the charade when he realized feigning amnesia could no longer help him with his case.




Yes. He recognised the detective in the car and asked him if they had met. He wouldn't advertise the fact that part of his memory was returning if he was malingering.


A talented narcissist would do EXACTLY that. Give the impression of progress to strengthen the illusion of illness.

***So I've seen 4 movies/wk in theatre for a 1/4 century, call me crazy?**î‚Ž



Fanboy : a person who does not think while watching.


I don't think Paul necessarily recognized him (DC Martin). Well, actually, I do think he recognized him because I believe Paul was faking his amnesia. What I mean to say is that I read that scene as Paul recognizing that DC Martin was behaving in a manner that would suggest they had a history. Paul figured that even someone with amnesia would clearly pick up on this, but since an amnesiac wouldn't know what that history was, would possibly ask about it.


When he said he started to hear a voice saying "we're losing him" I believe it was because that was the last thing he heard after the memories were coming back in reverse? I also think he hit Stella because of her defiant look at him...I loved when he did that...I'm so sick hahahaha


See my post on thread "and when my heart began to bleed"


See my post on thread "and when my heart began to bleed"


hahaha that's exactly how i felt...I wish he had beaten her to death; she would have deserved it because of her annoying arrogance


your insane for rooting for a cold blooded killer!


I was annoyed we didn't get an answer there. But I can't tell. Every time I said "oh yeah! Right there, you see that!? He's faking it!" But my wife would always say something that would make me doubt my original thought. At first I said he broke Anderson's weak arm, how would he know? My wife said it could be just coincidence because the way he broke it was almost like an instinct, Anderson had him by the neck, Paul brought up his arm, and twisted so he could side step him and grab his arm to break it. The movement was so done with ease and instinctual she felt it was too smooth for him to have done it due to Anderson's weak arm from the bullet. She also said Paul was shot about 3 times in the stomach, he wasn't even able to see where Anderson was shot, and they had to leave him behind. I was like "well... *beep*

He also was VERY forthcoming about the new evidence. In fact I actually think it WAS an accident. It might've been the original switch that had been flipped though. Seeing a dead body and the fact he somewhat caused the death could've excited him even though it was an accident. But why be so forth coming? Even when the Laywer told him not to answer, he did. And that was before Stella's taunts.

Regardless whether or not he was faking it, I think he attacked her because she revealed the sexual abuse, and cut down his ego. Not because he "Remembered" or gave up the charade. I had a big feeling that he was lying about the sexual abuse last season, and I was annoyed at Stell's inability to figure that out on her own. She even got annoyed when the Psychiatrist figured on his own that he may have been abused. "You assumed" she said, which annoyed me, because she's smarter than that. He was trying to sound superior in the last season, why the hell would he tell you about a weakness? And some may say that information is irrelevant to the case. Not necessarily, FBI Profilers here know as much as they can because it can help with the case, so far... it truly has. In this case they already had him, so it might've been irrelevant, but that's the docs job.

To me the suicide was both revenge and relief. He's been fantasizing about suicide, he said he didn't want to return to his body, but he heard Olivia. He did bring up possibly being cured as well as fatherhood with the doc.

"I imagine you are a good father...."

"Well what do you mean, 'good father'?"

"The kind that's present."

So I think he didn't want Scully to win, yes I called her that. But I also think he did it because he didn't want to be in this world without his daughter.

So in the end, maybe whether he was faking it or not, it was irrelevant? Feel free to disagree. :) I'm still not sure of my own opinion.


Scully? WTF?


You know... The XFiles? I just felt like calling her Scully :) she will always be Scully to me.


she will always be Scully to me.

And to many of us. ;-)


She really doesn't look much like Scully anymore. I watched all the X Files too but didn't think of Stell as Scully. Scully had red hair, had more weight on her, and had no lines or wrinkles. Stella could be her much older sister.
