MovieChat Forums > Mi Mefakhed Mehaze'ev Hara (2013) Discussion > Did anyone else figure out the 'twist' i...

Did anyone else figure out the 'twist' immediately?

As soon as they mentioned that his M.O. was drugging his victims with cake, I stopped the movie and called exactly what the twist was going to be. I figured it wasn't just a coincidence that the detective had a daughter like the other two men. Then I put the cake flashback together with the actual killer's MO and figured out that he wasnt really giving his actual daughter the cake

Did anyone else figure this out early too? also, for a time after that I did briefly second guess myself, when the father kept talking to his parents, yet made no reference to the fact that he recently lost a daughter (I believe this was intentional on the director's part).

Also, are we supposed to assume that the head was actually in the location the teacher specified? another poster pointed out that the father came back and said "I'll make it quick", which implied that he actually found what he was looking for. that being said, I thought the camera was pretty clear in showing that the father was digging an empty hole.


Good call. Didn't see that. Definitely a mislead.

Don't think i can watch anymore of these child kidnapping twist-a-plot whodunits.
Started making a list here:
There are some earlier french and elsewhere films that are very similar and i don't want to accidentally watch them again.

props to yer insight


I'm not sure what you mean by a twist. The schoolteacher turned out to be the killer after all (the ballet girl was lying dead in his house). Just as everyone presumed. How is that a twist?

My God, it's full of stars!


I figured it when he said "you'll regret this for the rest of your life", but I assume that's when most people did...


I knew he wasn't giving his daughter the cake in that scene. Even if he had convinced his wife to let him see her, wouldn't she have been there? Wouldn't it have been a bit more festive? No, there was something off about it.

"Passion is just insanity in a cashmere sweater!"



Good call. I take pride in my prediction skills, but I was way off. I knew who the killer was, but I was expecting a second twist. Like somehow he gets away with it, blaming one of the other characters.

Then when the father went to dig up the heads, I was sure he was going to actually find the heads, proving the teacher was guilty. All while the cop was untying the teacher. Then the father would arrive home to find the police there waiting to arrest him for killing the cop, and the murders of the girls, including his own daughter. Maybe make it look like the grandfather was in on it too, and the cop managed to kill the grandfather before he, himself, died.
You gotta admit, that would have been a good ending too.
