
I didn't like this movie very much. There were a few funny bits, but other than that it was pretty pointless and boring. The drama of the movie didn't work for me, and I found myself not caring whether the guy is actually the killer, or if they're going to find the daughter's head.

I did like the slow motion hide and seek scene, and I thought the actors were very good. I just don't think they were given anything interesting to do.

I think it would have worked as a short, but as a full length movie it's pretty lacking.

I liked Kalevet more than this, and that wasn't particularly good either.



Yeah when it comes to horror Maniac was the best of the year hands down. Also Prisoners did the same thing as this film a hell of a lot better.

That being said the tone of both this and Rabies is quite unique, I think the director will make something really good in the future.

"To err is human...so...errrr..." - Gary King


Maniac takes the horror of the year prize IMO by a long shot too, the POV they used in it was absolutely amazing.


That being said the tone of both this and Rabies is quite unique, I think the director will make something really good in the future.

Agreed. I was disappointed by this movie, but there's clearly a lot of talent behind it. It's a well-made movie, and the acting is terrific.



I completely agree about Prisoners. After watching that, this film feels like a second-rate attempt to do much of the same. It has its moments, but it's not on the same level.


Not sure if it's overrated outside of Tarantino calling it the best film of last year. I'd say that in its respective genre (violent thriller with dark humor) it's a solid entry but nothing too noteworthy.

I think I would've liked it better if they had made a small change at the end...

Show the cop who had taken over the case find out that Dror was the killer through conventional means (eg. regular police work), further emphasizing the backwards way of Micki's actions.

"You see Republicans and Democrats
I see wolves and wolves in sheep's clothing"


Not sure if it's overrated outside of Tarantino calling it the best film of last year. I'd say that in its respective genre (violent thriller with dark humor) it's a solid entry but nothing too noteworthy.

I think I would've liked it better if they had made a small change at the end...

Show the cop who had taken over the case find out that Dror was the killer through conventional means (eg. regular police work), further emphasizing the backwards way of Micki's actions.

"You see Republicans and Democrats
I see wolves and wolves in sheep's clothing"


Absolutely agree with you. Short story is all this should have been. Very overrated.


How is this overrated? I had never heard of it and saw it on the rack in Best buy, so I thought to check it out



"It was the most awaited horror film of 2013"

No it wasn't. That's nonsense.

Also, what does that disconnected list of films have to do with this one? Many of the films you list, in addition to being crap, are completely unrelated to it in every way (especially Candyman, Cannibal Holocaust, and Eden Lake). That this film has a rating similar to or higher than they do does not make it overrated. It just means that you have poor taste in horror films.

