Adam West

Doesn't this batman seem related to the 1960s batman not only costume wise for the first half of the movie but also because since batman is in his mid 50s and became batman sometime in his 30s which was in the 1960s it would correspond with this universe since it takes place in the 1980s, 20 years after he became batman.


I believe the original story was written as a response to the campy era of Batman. From what I remember, Frank Miller loathes that part of Batman history.


That's right. It was more of Miller "Giving Batman his balls back." As he's said before. He also wanted it to be an ending for the character since he'd been around so long and no one had done an aged Batman tale.

Notice how he's a "take no nonsense" kind of figure in the movie? Breaks the one robber's leg for no real reason, actually uses a GUN to shoot a Mutant gang member holding a child hostage but doesn't kill, brutally takes out the Mutant Leader by embarrassing and breaking his limbs in front of the gang... And that's just Part 1.


The first half addresses the Silver Age costume, which has the oval logo that is used on 90% of bat-merchandise these days. The '66 logo uses the yellow oval, but the bat inside it is shaped more like an early Golden Age logo.
